Monday, February 26, 2024

A schmuck, or three!

 Schmuck: Pejorative Schmuck, or shmuck, is a pejorative term meaning one who is stupid or foolish, or an obnoxious, contemptible or detestable person. The word came into the English language from Yiddish, where it has similar pejorative meanings, but where its literal meaning is a vulgar term for a penis. (Wikipedia) 

Tommy Tuberville, Village Idiot, Applauds Alabama IVF Ruling Before Finding Out He Has No Idea What It Actually Does. The senator did not seem to understand that the ruling on embryos would lead to fewer children being born, not more. (Vanity Fair)


RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel announces resignation after Trump criticism. (NBC News)


CNN’s Manu Raju Corners a Sputtering Jim Jordan Over Discredited FBI Informant The MAGA lawmaker eventually conceded that the Russian-fed Biden bribery claims were false. But he still insisted the impeachment case was strong.(The Daily Beast)


Tommy Guberville, having no idea where his anal opening and mouth begin and end, once again has provided the Confederate State of “Alabamy,” with one more example of “voting for an idiot, based on nothing but his football career,” hoping that somehow a football field is just like the government. A Putin-loving, Trump-licking, traitor, Tommy Guberville, has ONCE again showcased just how stupid a MAGA magot can be. Tommy, dude, you have reinvented the term “how low can you go!”


Ronna McDaniel (aka Ronna Romney McDaniel), having stripped herself of her own name to bask in the glory of the Orange Glowed Clown, TRUMP, hoping that becoming his chattel, she would ascend the stairway to TRUMP Heaven, has been shown the exit, and still has the golden footprints on her behind, showcasing TRUMPS disdain. Oh, Ronna, one might have pity, but GURL, you are so deserving of the humiliation!


GYM Jordan, a gerrymandered jerk, a jerk who looked the other way while his wrestlers were jerked around, loves to remain a jerk trying his best to beckon the blessings from his BLOW HARD, idol Trump. GYM has no ability for introspection, no desire for self-respect, no need for conscience, morals, or values…just sheer indulgence in the evil that men like TRUMP do! Truth is a figment of someone else’s imagination for GYM. Honesty, for GYM, is for Leftists. Values are never as valued as TRUMPS orange stained blessings!