Tuesday, February 6, 2024


 The illegitimate government of Donald Trump and his Insurrectionist Anarchists are hiding in plain sight, demonstrating ONLY LOYALTY to an accused felon, a found rapist, a con artist, and a proud braggart proclaiming to dismantle democracy. His army of White Robed, Red Hatted Republicans who act, as did Hitler's army of Brown Shirts, have made it very clear, that “for the people,” is passe and the only cause they care about is “for Trump,” hoping that by licking every part of his entrails, they will remain in power, preserving their own fiefdoms. It ain’t funny, it ain’t silly, it ain’t a passing faze, it ain’t nothing but a very CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER.

A bipartisan package of border reforms and funding for Ukraine and Israel appeared close to collapse Monday after the House speaker called it “DEAD,” former president Donald Trump attacked the deal’s main GOP negotiator, and Republican Senate leadership said they would probably vote against proceeding on the bill this week. (Washington Post)


When will the majority of non-treasonous non traitors non crazy Americans realize that too “TOO LATE,” is sooner than we might imagine?