Wednesday, February 28, 2024


 I truly wish I could say “GOOD RIDDANCE,” for good, but good old Mitch will still remain in the Senate, and still be able to disrupt American values to line his pockets. Mitch is the poster boy, as I see it, for why Term Limits in Congress are a necessary example of how Bad People, can become Royalty, building their own dynasty while disrupting Democracy!                                                                                                                      

Mitch McConnell to end long tenure as top US Senate Republican.

McConnell played an outsized role in helping Trump cement a 6-3 conservative majority in the Supreme Court, paving the way for landmark rulings cheered by conservatives ending the recognition of a constitutional right to abortion, and expanding gun rights. (REUTERS)


Like OH SO MANY other cowards within the Republican Party, Mitch, rather than truly stand up for the American People, and speak out against TRUMP Fascism, will retire from leadership, knowing that if he just quits, he will not have to face any consequences for speaking up against TRUMP. Like OH SO MANY other Republicans, Mitch, would rather not acknowledge that TRUMP is evil for America, so he like almost every other single Republican Politician, during the Putin/TRUMP Regime, will feign indifference, finally (and hopefully SOON), retire from the Senate. 


Like OH SO MANY self-serving, shysters, Mitch has profited from his LONG, LONG, LONG, lifetime using Tax Payer Money to keep himself RICH. Hey America, look where Mitch has taken us…BACKWARDS. His only service has been for the Billionaire Puppet Masters, whose only priority is to OWN AMERICA AND OWN AMERICANS!