Monday, February 5, 2024

PROJECTING...once again

 “I want China to do great, I do. And I like President Xi a lot. He was a very good friend of mine during my term,” Trump said at one point. In the same interview, however, Trump accused President Joe Biden of being China’s puppet. “When it comes to a lot of countries, I think he’s a Manchurian Candidate, because he receives money from China,” Trump said, offering zero evidence to back up that explosive claim. “People say, I wonder why he’s so weak on China? He gets a lot of money from China.” (The Daily Beast)

Once AGAIN, TRUMP projects his own actions as he tries to imply that Joe Biden somehow is acting just as criminal and insane as TRUMP. This time it is China and somehow Joe Biden’s coziness (of course NOT providing ANY FACTS) with China is somehow suspicious and sinister as is TRUMPS, ownership by Putin. How often, RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR EYES, has TRUMP admitted his crimes by suggesting that others are doing the same injustices as he?


I MUST suppose that TRUMP emulates the DICTATORS of the world, hoping to become part of that FRATERNITY, once he destroys our Democracy and becomes the TYRANT OF AMERIKA.


Perhaps it is the fact that his daughter-girlfriend and forever crush, Ivanka still has dozens of Copyrights in China…perhaps it is because China is providing enough financial incentives to TRUMP to keep his illusion of being wealthy, alive…OR perhaps it is just one more PROJECTION on TRUMPS behalf to desperately admit aloud, just how EVIL OF A PERSON he is!

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