Monday, February 19, 2024

COME ON....already!

 War, huh, yeah

What is it good for?

Absolutely nothing, uhh. (‘War’/Barrett Strong)


POLLS, what is good for?  Absolutely nothing but a bunch of propagandist, talking heads who would rather invent the news than report it.


Yeah, Joe Biden is old, and yeah TRUMP is old. And when the pollsters ONLY insist on asking their selected population to answer questions, why is it that the seemingly ONLY question they ask is, “How do you feel about the age of both men?’ (Oh, and oh yeah, by the way, I have never ever been polled, once in my life.)


COME on all you so-called Professional Polling, “whatcha ma ’call its,” get real…Trump is old, and Biden is old, but the similarity between the two men actually stops there, so why when you try so hard to act in a professional and determined way to try and get a census of the US population, do you not go further…AS IN… do you prefer the old guy who is a Putin Puppet, versus the old guy who is fighting for democracy? AS IN…Do you support the old guy who, is an accused Rapist, on trial for leading an Insurrection and Coup, OR the old guy who was elected by a large majority of Americans? AS IN…do you prefer the old guy who has dinner with Nazis, avowed Racists, private meetings with Russian agents, who has promised on his first day to enact Marshall Law or the old guy who says Gay, says women productive rights, says, support Ukraine, meets with non-Dictators?


YEAH, Pollsters both TRUMP and Biden are old, but come on already…that is where the similarity stops…SHAME ON YOU!