Sunday, February 4, 2024


 Separation of Powers in the United States is associated with the Checks and Balances system. The Checks and Balances system provides each branch of government with individual powers to check the other branches and prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful. Just like the phrase sounds, the point of checks and balances was to make sure no one branch would be able to control too much power, and it created a separation of powers. (US Government Publishing Office)

George Stephanopoulos Cuts Off GOP Senator After He Suggests Trump Could Defy SCOTUS. The tense moment came after Stephanopoulos pressed Vance on This Week about comments the senator made in 2021 urging Trump to fire every civil servant working within the federal government during a second term and ignore any Supreme Court ruling that ordered him to stop. Vance had suggested Donald Trump “stand before the country like Andrew Jackson did and say, ‘The Chief Justice has made his ruling, now let him enforce it.’”

“You think it’s OK to defy the Supreme Court?” Stephanopoulos asked. (ABC News)          


When will the rest of us take this whole AUTHORITARIAN/DICTATOR THING seriously enough to fight back? The majority of Republican Politicians seem to prefer, to overlook the blatant and direct attempt by Trump and his “Brown Shirt, Red MAGA Hatted Soldiers of Fortune, White Robbed Christian Nationalist Crusaders to murder Democracy and replace the Constitution with a Fascist Manifesto. Only the really dumb as shit, do not understand that in today’s America, why the GOP support Trump’s Anarchy…it is because, for this Enemy of the People Political Party, WINNING can only be achieved by cheating, criminal acts, scapegoating, and ignoring any set of standards which so far had been the basis for American Democracy.


And now, with the ease at which Senator Vance from Ohio has declared that Trump, as America’s king, should and could IGNORE any kind of “CHECKS AND BALANCE,” adds one more lethal weapon to the already virulent and violent arsenal of Republican Treason!

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