Monday, December 22, 2014


Ever wonder why miracles are needed in the first place? How come the events of our lives sometimes desire that extra big bonus of hope, help and happiness? Yet when something unexpected comes around and changes the course of our lives we celebrate, wiping off the sweat of a furrowed brow, release the pain which held tightly to our temples, breathe a deep desired breath and shout loudly what a miracle!

Tis the season we are told of Miracles. We hang our lights on the tree, or gather eight of them on the menorah. We recount the birth of a man with the promise for all humankind or remember when humankind was adrift in slavery and how that sadness changed for the better. Then some of us recall this time of year when humankind can watch the days fade into night earlier and how the night can cradle us with a glow of a fire, the warmth of a blanket, the love of family and friends.

They never happen on schedule and actually like to surprise you, eliciting  a laughter so deep in the belly that when released it seems miraculous enough.They never are posted on your calendar, or to do list, instead find their way to the front of the line in a most miraculous manner. They are many times imagined, but when they appear they are deliciously hard to imagine.

We wish you a reason for a miracle or two this season. We want you to find your own surprises,  promises or passion for a celebration of miracles. Let them be as loud as you desire or as calm and quiet as you need. Let them be bold, brash and brilliant or so subtle that it takes keen eyesight and sharp listening to see and hear them. We wish you the kind of miracle you want!

Happy Holidays/Season’s Greetings,

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Black or right

Life in America has become all about we vs. they and has fallen far from the facts replaced by finding and forming divide within the community we live. Madmen kill innocents with guns but we never discuss the murders but instead take sides on something as absurd as the 2nd Amendment. Cops kill black men and boys and instead of questioning why we move to one side or the other never debating the death of so many but who is right in doing the killing and who deserved to be killed. Compromise we are told is a weakness, (ask any T-Publican in Congress and the Christian right wing people who elected them), to find common ground suddenly is so un American and of course something Jesus the first president of the US would have never wanted. Events happen and we refuse to look closely as to the sad rational behind them instead we insist someone was right and someone was wrong and if you don’t agree with me you must be one of them! It is either black of right!

Trayvon Martin is gunned down, Michael Brown is shot in cold blood, Eric Garner is choked to death and somehow each black man deserved to die because it was the black man against the police. And as is the case in this very volatile and divisive nation you either take the side of the police or you must be a Commie loving/African American on the dole/anti-law and order traitor. There is no conversation about why so many black men are killed but instead a diatribe as to why you like the police or you don’t. No longer are we pressing for truth, but would rather take shelter in our own biases fearful that anything else might expose our own personal experiences lack of insight and of course our own hate. You are either black or right!

When did discussion of fear, bigotry, and stupid stop being permitted to take precedent? When did the Constitution become highjacked by pistol packing Patriots who long for the days of the Confederacy, Jim Crow and of course old time region where Jesus was a white straight man and frowned upon anyone not? When did the strides of integration get sidetracked, or were they just a facade to begin with. When did policing stop serving and protecting all of the people but instead became a fraternity for some of the people? When did it become all or nothing as in your are black or you are right?

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Imagine this?

Rick Santorum: “Separation Of Church And State A Communist Idea, Not An American One” -. Imagine if a liberal/progressive/democrat inferred that the founding fathers of this nation like Adams, Franklin, Jefferson were commies; Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly would demand they burned at the stake. In the world of men like Santorum history is only useful when it is twisted to suit the twisted bigotry of a very small minded and hateful brain. For many T-Republicans the Constitution is always an immovable object until it needs to be moved more to the right enabling false prophecies to be propagated by false prophets!

Ben Carson: “Young African American men like Michael Brown are getting killed by the police because they “never really learn how to relate to authority in the proper way.” “Certainly in a lot of our inner cities, in particular the black inner cities, where 73 percent of the young people are born out of wedlock, the majority of them have no father figure in their life. - Imagine how much more pleasant and safer this world would be if Ozzie and Harriet were everyone’s parents, if June and Ward Cleaver took the time to raise all of our families, if Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar would take the time and not only parent their brood of 19 kids but the entire black community? Violence in the world of the T-Republicans is never the fault of the propagator but usually of the victim.

Mike Huckabee: blamed the legalization of abortion and same-sex marriage on the failure of pastors to become active in politics. Huckabee said Americans have “blood on our hands” for failing to criminalize abortion and contended that reproductive freedom is much worse than the Nazi Holocaust. He added that the country will also “pay the consequences” for trying to “tinker” with marriage and “having upended the very foundation which is the essence of how a civilization survives.” Imagine an Amerika which limits certain freedoms and choices based on the bias and bogus of self proclaimed Crusaders for Christ. Imagine just how much more pure this nation would become when purity tests for morals and values based on nothing but a human interpretation of the Bible become the standard. The laws of the land in the mind of T-Publicans are for a few and even fewer get to pick and choose who lives free and who receives equality.

Santorum, Carson, Huckabee are all potent predators at the ready to run for the office of President from the T-Publican party. Imagine if any one of these men are elected to the highest office of the land and then wonder depending on your religion, ethnicity, gender, sexuality and level of income upon which rung you will become stranded or upon which gallows you will be hung? 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

ain't nothin' like hate

There ain’t nothin’ like hate until it is presented in a hostile,phony blanket of religion. Nothin’ says hate with more profound idiotic gyrations, then basing that particular hate on a self serving rhetoric pretending that it isn’t your word but your lips moving to the voice of God who of course has chosen only you. Nothin’ says hate better then holding a Bible in your hand, bowing your head and spewing any kind of conceivable bull shit presuming that it must be true because of course God told you so. Ain’t nothin’ like hate the way Mike Huckabee presents it pontificating as if his standards are nothin’ short of the Lord Almighty himself. Visiting Concentration Camps in Europe, with a bunch of Evangelical Baptist brothers good ole’ Mike (maybe I should be president of this Christian nation) Huckabee, has been reciting a fable about the end of civilization based first on females wanting reproductive rights and now of course due to same-sex marriage. It seems people with vagina’s, and men who love men/women who love women are powerful enough as to bring the death to civilization as Mr Huckabee imagines or knows it. 

Ain’t nothin’ like hate when it reeks of hypocrisy. It is a nauseating sweet smell that sickens your stomach, the kind of hate with pretense precluding no fact but lots of foible. Ain’t nothin' like creating two sets of standards based on nothin’ but your own homophobia and misconceived understanding of religion and God. In Mike Huckabee's hypocritical world, opposite sex marriages can be full of deceit, adultery, cheating, abuse but civilization will surely survive. But when those men seek men and ladies shack up with other ladies marriage is on its deathbed and certainly the last throws of civilization as we know it will crumble. Ain’t nothin’ like hate filled with hypocrisy to have the insecure swoon with fear, and the foolish to linger in the stupid!

Ain’t nothin’ like hate until it has whet the appetite of those who need an enemy in life to feel whole. Divide and conquer, separate and exclude words of wisdom by people whose only hope is by saying others are not worthy will shoo away the insecurity and enforce the false belief of superiority. Ain’t nothin’ like a snake oil salesmen to bottle up prejudice, animosity and malice stand on a soap box covered with gilded Bibles and abridged quotes from a select passage or chapter to rile up the attitudes of men and women who desperately don’t want to be on the bottom rung of life. Ain’t nothin’ like false idols in the vein of Mike Huckabee to use hate to discredit others while thriving on hate to credit his own insecurities, biases and bigotries. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

best, worst of times

We celebrated, congratulated ourselves when we elected to the office of president a man of color, a black man. America, many of us said had transcended our bias, our bigotry America looked beyond the color of skin and was able to find the color of intelligence, fairness, quality and smart. How proud we were! But almost as fast as our pride shone in the sun, a dark demonizing, dreadful persona appeared and suddenly for every step forward taken were driven back tenfold. 

Since the election of President Barack Obama we have witnessed a rival of Jim Crow laws, voting rights infringement, ignorance on immigration, disrespect for the office of president, a nostalgia for the Confederacy and an increase of intimidating, harassing and shooting people while living their life black. Open season on black people has been called and the call has grown louder with the successful democratic election of President Obama for his second term.

Guns, abridging the Bible, activist justices, a news station prone to insist that fear holds all the facts, conservative pundits and entertainment personalities all prone to incite riot before reason have led a cunning and calculated way forward to divide and deny to promote bigotry. Voices like Ingraham, Huckabee, Hannity, Limbaugh, Cruz, Palin have become the mainstay of decimating information, with all of them singling out anyone who is not deemed American enough, Christian enough, not worthy enough. And all of these self described Patriots have permitted the continual acceptance that white is right and black is bad.And from this we get another black youth shot and killed.

The quote “It was the best of times it was the worst of times”, by Charles Dickens, in ‘Tale of Two Cities’ has taken on horrific meaning for this nation. America has become a nation suddenly not seeking the middle but feigning fortune in holding onto two extremes. Our divide grows deeper and our need for enemies stronger.  One more death of a black man and instead of figuring out why, we would rather take sides, blame, corrupt, and single out villains. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”, but for America in 2014 time seems our time is running out.

Monday, November 24, 2014

that war on christmas

The day after Halloween was the first real IT IS CHRISTMAS commercial I had to endure while watching television. Prior to that I was entertained with Mariah Carey singing a disco version of some Christmas song while looking for men’s under ware at my local Target store, but due to a very disgruntled customer angry about some lay-a-way procedure did not get to fully enjoy this Christmas carol. (As loud as Mariah was singing about gifts and love this customer was angry that the sales associate knew nothing about lay-a-way). Some homes in my neighborhood already have the lights a blazing and at least three houses have the tree in the window decorated and looming large. I know it is the Christmas season but somehow until Bill O’Reilly, or Glenn Beck try and sell their newest book about the War on Christmas, or the very white Stepford Wives of FOX propaganda demand that this IS a Christian nation and we all should be shouting NOEL from our synagogues and mosques, the true spirit of capitalism, hate, bogus and buy, buy, buy just will not set in.

But then my worry that the Grinch had not arrived to confuse us all about what the origins of Christmas were all about I read two speeches from self proclaimed save the family/for the children/Jesus wrote the Constitution along with the leadership of Moses politicians; both T-Publican Governors of course. It seems good ole’ Koch Brothers puppet Scott Walker of Wisconsin believes that preventing Americans from obtaining life-saving insurance will help them live the American dream, much better. It seems just in time for Christmas , Governor Walker has decided that if you cannot earn the right to buy overpriced health insurance you do not deserve to either stay healthy and you do not deserve to call your self a real American. Pay for health care or die, you lazy Communist low life. Joining Gov. Walker in the battle to out scrooge his constituents to death, Gov. Mike Pence, I am a a good Christian soldier and Koch brothers marionette stated that he “wants to enoble Indiana state residents by cutting off food stamps. For Mike Pence, you either starve or find the money from some high paying job to really justify food on your table. You want to eat, then find the dough to do it. Nothing says enoble of Americana or Christmas season like skipping a few meals and being hungry all day long.

I know it might be a bit early for the soldiers en mass to proclaim the war on Christmas.  However,the self serving, selfish so called Christian crusaders will find a very high horse or an extra tall soap box with the New Testament Bible in hand carrying some invented amendment to the Constitution insisting that we say Merry Christmas, and permit Christian expressions of this holiday season to be established on Government property. These folk will lament the fact that since the Muslim became president,since the atheist Progressives have poisoned the minds of the intelligent, since disregard for Christian law in favor of Sharia law became the law that a war on Christmas by the non Christians must be fought and won. But since hypocrites are usually the last to notice their own folly and failures, this group of Christian Jihadists will never realize just how much of a war they have already declared on what I suppose is the true meaning of the Christmas season; fighting against faith, hope, charity and good will to all. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

this Amerika

Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn (R) warns there could be not only a political firestorm but acts of civil disobedience and even violence in reaction to President Obama's executive order on immigration Thursday.  President Obama’s looming executive action on immigration reform represents a Fort Sumter-type moment, according to conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly. where the opening shots of the Civil War were fired, representing the beginning of a ruinous conflict. T-Publicans always at the ready to invite fear and loathing, never too concerned in the facts but always hitting the nerves of the townsfolk looking to lynch the black man.

Imagine if a Democrat or Progressive spokesperson or elected politician mentioned civil war or civil disobedience toward a T-Republican president. Immediately the T-Publican conspiracy theorists would be waving the flag, carrying the Bible above their heads and digging up the grave of George Washington invoking some bizarre and brainless quote from Ronald Reagan ready to deport those damn bastards. Remember when the Dixie Chicks sang a song to George Bush Jr. telling them they have had and are not going to take it anymore and how FOX News, Limbaugh Express, and the right wing propagandists demanded that these women almost be tried for tyranny. Remember just how many presidential privileges Reagan and Bush implemented toward immigration and just how red, white and blue those were because after all Bush and Reagan exemplified true Amerika! Take the black man in office who is after all THE president currently and suddenly we have a monarchy, tyrant, a dictator because his name is barack Obama.

President Obama says words like immigration reform, Gay marriage, women’s’ reproductive rights, equal pay for equal work, fair hourly wages and immediately he is called a communist, and anti-Christ, a socialist, not the kind of guy who should be running a country that used to be based on fair and equal and freedom for all. For those Americans who still believe in rights, equality, the Constitution, not the one supposedly penned by Jesus Christ, we had better take heed. There are jihadists amongst us with names like Coburn, Schlafly, Cruz, Palin, Limbaugh, who want to terrorize this nation, who want to find the fearful and scare the living daylights out of them. We have T-Publicans and their minions of scared folk who believe immigration never happened in this nation before. We saw in the mid terms what fear can do, now we must stop it in its tracks before it becomes like Zombie Apocalypse in this Amerika.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

dark,dark holes

We have always been told that the dark can be a scary place. Horror movies abound in which the dark room, the dark basement, the dark woods are always a haven for the most insidious of creatures. Be home before dark, don’t walk down dark alley ways, don’t trick or treat if the front of the house is dark. Most of the time we are warned if it is so dark, so very bleak and black it must hide something forbidden!

But it seems in the land of American power and politics dark is the new light. The average citizen hears about dark money paid to politicians and their campaigns, you know the kind of big funding that can not be traced easily.  Dark money from men and women and the third gender of humankind, corporations who want to buy the elections. We have to wonder however, if these people are so proud of supporting a politician, so eager to embrace his or her biased policies, why then spend all of your dark money to keep any kind of truth hidden? 

We also have corporations who like to modify the produce we eat, live stock feed, even the sprays and pesticides we use for our gardens. Suddenly not informing the public on all of the ingredients used in growing or preparing the food we eat is cool. Keeping the public in the dark somehow as to what it took to grow crops is more American then the right to know just how many lethal chemicals were used to make those apples so red, those corn stalks so high, those plump cows so fat. Keep the facts in the dark, but if the corporations are so proud of their final products why must it be such a mystery?

And now the state of Ohio wants to place a dark shadow over who provides the faulty chemicals for lethal injections of death row inmates and keep even darker the recipes used to make those chemicals so lethal. If death row inmates have been found guilty of a crime and the justice system demands death why must the public  be kept in the dark as to how the deed is done? If there is an honest effort to punish those who have committed heinous crimes and the law is served justly why shouldn’t the public get to know that the death sentence will be humane? Why create a law that states we are following the letter of the law by executing the murderers but by-passing the information on how we do it?

Recently we have been mesmerized by the scientists who have discovered black holes throughout our universe, reminding us that no one really knows the true power of these dark black holes but in fact they are powerful enough to swallow up anything in its way. Be cautious they tell us be afraid. Every day in America the average citizen runs up against his/her own black holes and dark matter that denies the truth, destroys the evidence and endangers our way of life. Politicians bought by dark money, foods altered by dark ingredients, and now people executed by dark chemicals. The dark is scary but being kept in the dark even scarier!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

it is as if

As if it was a fluke, a fake, the 200 marriages in Michigan were renounced and ruined by a Governor who believes the institution of marriage is confined to one man one woman and defined by a Bible written by all men. As if the same-sex couples were playing a game of pretend, dress up, what if, the Governor of Michigan decided to delete and destroy the lives and loves of those who said I do only to have that replaced with no you don’t. It is as if America prefers a cast system a  segregation of and for rights. You fit into my my mold and you can enjoy freedom, I find you something of an other kind and you do not deserve the privileges and promise I have handed to me.

Limbaugh can marry four times, Gingrich can walk down the aisle three times, Stanford can hike on the Appalachian leaving his wife behind as he attempts adultery, Vitter can hire a hooker and Charles Manson can order the murders of half a dozen people, and marry a 25 year old woman,  but the Governor of Michigan and all of his pathetic hypocritical homophobic buddies won’t utter a word of dismay or disgust; after all God and George Washington know that opposite sex marriage can be all fucked up but as long as it is one man and one woman it is nobodies business.

It is no longer time sit back and let the insecure, self loathing, kiss the ass of the lowest common denominators politicians, haters of anything homosexual run roughshod on the lives of same-sex couples who want the to wed. It is time to insist that this nation, not just state by state, but the entire nation understand that love is love and for those who wish to consummate that emotion by legalizing it, then let it happen. It is time to stop pretending that same-sex couples are all too powerful as to end the relationships of opposite sex couples. It is time to call out the homophobes who linger in hate and fear. 200 couples in the state of Michigan were treated like non-citizens, like a blight on the land in need of eradication. It is as if the 200 couples in Michigan never ever existed. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

today, tomorrow

Today we celebrate the virtues of victors, men and women who have risked life, limb, spirit and soul to serve, protect and represent our nation. We fly flags, prepare parades, salute and signify the accomplishments of warriors who without a second doubt fought wars with honor and integrity. Today is Veterans Day and we recount the heroics of family, friends and even strangers who have demonstrated valor, dignity grit and determination to fight for freedom. Today we hold high the actions of those we have lost to battle, comfort those who have come home wounded and worn, and embrace those who have provided more then possibly ever expected. That is today!

Tomorrow we will try and remember the sacrifices of our current crop of Veterans. We will continue to find men in tattered uniforms on the streets some with signs asking for donations, some with signs of depression not able to ask for much if anything. We will glance at the commercials asking for contributions so those returning home from battles in locations hard to pronounce not quite whole can try to walk, talk, love again. We will read about the bureaucracy  hindered by greedy politicians, uncaring administrators which on paper seem to be the answer but in reality ask more questions. Tomorrow we will not see in plane sight the anguish, anger, frustration and fears of men and women who we love to call hero’s but loath to really help. Tomorrow we will debate the necessity for war, evaluate American exceptionalism, insisting that we send someone else’s kid to fight our battles. Tomorrow we will will as a nation forget how unique, special every man and woman who was drafted, enlisted or volunteered really is and just who they were and are.

I am never quite sure why what happens today is sometimes forgotten when tomorrow arrives. I am never quite sure why we provide parades today but prefer silence tomorrow. I am never quite sure how we hype the yesterday but try so hard to forget when tomorrow finally gets here. Today is Veterans Day and we all should recall, remember, recollect the men and women who have taken bravery to the extreme, but not just for now and not just because, but because tomorrow is just as important. 

Monday, November 10, 2014

suddenly when

Suddenly the President is no longer conniving to bring Ebola into the US to get even for the slave trade from Africa. Suddenly the dire consequences from the Ebola disease, one which the President himself conspired, along with the Gays and Mexicans to spread upon the red, white and blue true Americans has vanished. Suddenly Ebola can be handled by real professionals in the medical field and not the “I am not a scientist” gang of the T-Publican Party because…the mid-term elections are finished and the lies spawned by creatures of hate and deceit won. Fear and loathing, fiction and farce and too many Jim Crow laws pretending to be anything but democracy were the magic ingredients for the T-Publicans to steal and election they might have never won at all.

Suddenly obstruction was a thing caused by the President, not of course by the men and women who shut down the government because they believed their principles of the minority should be the laws of the land. Suddenly words like personhood, no fair wages for females, climate is not changing were stricken from the record as if the lies fabricated to win T-Publican primaries were never said in earnest when more then the FOX viewers were courted for their votes. Suddenly, lower gasoline prices was a bad thing, lower unemployment numbers a lie, a strong stock market a ploy and any good news for the nation just conspiracy theories honed and honored by T-Publicans as payment to their billionaire puppet masters because…the mid-term elections had been successfully bought and paid by the Republican activist Justices and the goons only brave enough to hide behind very dark money.

Suddenly this nation of ours has plunged into a meandering whirl of nonsense and no sense. Truth no longer has any roots in honesty. Honesty has nothing to with the truth. Lies become facts and fact are so full of lies that any base of reality seems too farfetched to even fathom. If Sarah Plain, Bill O’Reilly, Ted Cruz, or Chris Christie said it then it then by all means it must be true. If FOX News insists it happened and the neighborhood mega church non tax paying Evangelical preacher stand upon his mount with the real Constitution in hand, his King James Bible, then it certainly is correct…because if non of that happened then the small minded, bogus seeking, hate searching, self loathing would have never voted against their own benefits and welfare in the mid-term election and God forbid real democracy may have taken hold again in America.  

Thursday, November 6, 2014

the monsters among us

At first I was furious as a bunch of clowns, pompous and pious at the ready with ammunition of hypocrisy and hyperbole always talking out of both sides of their mouths were standing in front of adoring crowds claiming victory from elections fraught with pay for play, gerrymandering and a slew of Supreme Court shenanigans permitting Jim Crow to rise from the dead. I love politics but Tuesday night November 4, 2014 was even too scary for me to watch or listen to as an unfolding of disaster was about to befall America. Politicians who who used fear as fact, hate as foundation, God as a general more powerful Genghis Khan, who have never read word one of the US Constitution preferring the New Testament as law, all lined up on the winners podium to proclaim a new ‘Merica, an improved ‘Merica and oh yeah a ‘Merica that prided itself on exclusion and elimination of life, liberty and the pursuit of anyone else deemed different.

Then my anger and frustration found footing not just in the puppets elected to take America down a very Christian/mercenary jihadist path but to the billionaires, corporations, 1% of puppeteers who languish in money so dark that a dark hole could actually be swollen and lost in its incessant and insincere pool of water. I loathed at the idea that democracy became a consumer item that could be bought, bribed and boondoggled. Corporations are people, but never persons proud enough to be open and honest about buying and selling campaigns about the lies and fiction they spew, about the selfish nature of their future for America. 

But finally, after all my hysteria about the end of social civilization for America seethed and simmered I found that the true culprit of my malaise was toward the ignorant, misinformed uneducated FOX Noise, Limbaugh listeners and viewers who actually thought they were voting out the bums but instead voted in the most voracious of racists, homophobes, misogynists and anti democracy politicians. I believe spiting yourself just to try and get even with a perceived enemy is just plain dumb and destructive. To elect men and women into office who only want to deny equality, freedom, choice, accessibility, clean air, living wages and health care is beyond stupid, your chance at an American dream is outright dumb to say the least and plain stupid to say the most.

The monsters are dangerous, the scientists who create the monsters are terrible, but when the townsfolk permit the monsters to run roughshod they are the ones to fear the most.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

i voted today

I voted today. Nice to know that in the state of California, voting is as American as apple pie, tacos’,dim sum, ravioli, sauerkraut,potato latkes, and any other delicious delicacy from around the world! Nice to know that in this very blue state of California, all kind of colors are welcomed at the voting stations! Nice to know that in the state of California the only type of voter suppression is any American who is too lazy or too stupid not to vote! Nice to know that in the state of California democracy is defined not just by the Koch Brothers, billionaires, the 1% or followers of a religion more interested in exclusion then inclusion. 

I voted, easy actually. Sadly however there will be millions of females, elderly, LGBT, poor and disabled, college students and people of color who will have been disenfranchised, detoured, disgusted or denied the right to vote in America. Sadly however there will be millions of men and women who will vote against their own interests voting for candidates who want to deny women reproductive rights, workers a fair minimum wage, all groups of people affordable access to health care. Sadly however there will politicians elected into office who worry more about their own careers and pockets then the health and welfare of their constituents. Sadly there are millions of American’s who think that the only elections that count are the ones where someone is running for president.

I voted today and while this is still a nation that permits most of its citizens I am glad I still had the chance to do so!

Monday, November 3, 2014

They call it what?

Throughout history when governments or government officials quelled the opinions, rights and choices of its citizens often times it was met with consternation and anger. The nation of the United States was originally established to provide representation by the common MAN in the form of fair and attainable voting; we called that democracy. Eventually but with great opposition representation found its footing to include women, and after a Civil War supposedly the people of African decent. Both the woman’s right to vote and the black persons right to vote were struggles that somehow in the mind of the bigot and misogynist  had nothing to do with preserving the true definition of democracy of one person one vote.

When elected officials finally looked closely at the US Constitution, they discovered that the reason for the revolution from Great Britain was indeed to provide each American with one simple fundamental idea, one person one vote. In recent decades we fought wars against tyrants, dictators, militants who believed that the populations had no rights to elect the leaders of their individual nations. In the past we waged war declaring that Communism, Fascism, Totalitarianism were the devils deceits, not the standards of a nation who prides itself on fair and equal. Then suddenly the T-Republicans with the help a few Supreme Court activist judges more concerned about ideology then justice came to the realization that as long as they (T-Publicans) promoted all kinds of ism’s like misogyny, race, homosexuality the average American would not vote for them. So rather then be an inclusive party the T-Publicans continued to exclude; not only the OTHERS who they held great disdain for, but the rights to vote by the OTHERS.

We have one day before the mid term elections, an election where issues like Gay rights, Women’s rights, immigration, wages, health care and war will be decided. The T-Publicans have used every non-democratic distraction to rob the average American the right to vote. The T-Publicans have diminished the pre voting days, they have installed the most prohibitive vote ID Laws, reinvented the poll tax, and have rebranded Jim Crow laws. The T-Publicans are smart enough to know their anti almost everyone tactics won’t get them elected, so they will keep America even dumber by excluding a group of people from participating in the American way. We fought was against Communism, Fascism, Totalitarianism calling them evil, wrong, now we have a the T-Publicans doing the exact same maneuvers and somehow they call it democracy! 

Friday, October 31, 2014

get a life

Tim Cook CEO of Apple announced that among the many attributes in his life one of them is that he is Gay. So Senator Ted Cruz, Texas T-Bagger from Texas stated that Tim Cook CEO of Apple chose to be Gay. Ted Cruz is a homophobe who bases his thesis of choosing  to be Gay from the wisdom of his father Raphael Cruz who proudly admits that Jesus Christ speaks to him and is sure that the Jesus who speaks to the senior Cruz is a God of hate bigotry, homophobia and of course disdain. Senator Ted Cruz is the apple who has not fallen too far from a very sick and insidious tree. 

I am so tired of self loathing men and women who fear their own sexuality, who love to luxuriate in loathing, who need enemies to feel good about themselves, who use God any God as a scapegoat for their own misgivings. I am so tired of insecure men and women who think by creating the ‘other’ they somehow think no one will notice the failures and flaws of their own existence. I am so tired of politicians who love to find the lowest common denominator and spread, share in the virus of hate, ignorance slander and harassment. I am so tired of morons who pontificate about issues they know nothing about. I am tired of Ted Cruz and all of the T-Baggers who can not function unless they rely on bigotry, bias and bogus!

Ted Cruz, no one chooses to be Gay as if they were selecting where to vacation, buy a home or shop for a suit, we are born that way. What we do choose is to finally come out of the closet. Ted Cruz no one needs your approval to be Gay because we were born that way. Ted Cruz your father chose to pretend that God has spoken to him (kind of delusional that Jesus would speak to such an ignorant and hateful person). Ted Cruz you have chosen to place politics above morals and values. Ted Cruz you have chosen to  pretend that you understand Christianity, democracy, and any semblance of truth. Ted Cruz you chose to become a homophobe!

I am tired of having to defend myself to the idiots who fear the world around them. I am tired of fools running roughshod. I am tired of having to argue the obvious. I am Gay, it is natural. I am tired of people like Ted Cruz who love urging the hypocrite, the dumb, the sanctimonious to hate because they think God and George Washington told them so. Ted Cruz, Tim Cook and I and millions of other Gay and Lesbians in this world are Gay just because…get a life dude, get a life!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

understand this

So let me understand this, the T-Publicans are assumed by the minions of pollsters and paid to act as political prophets as to maintain their control of the House of Representatives and even take the majority control of the Senate. So let me understand this, men and women who still deny that marriage equality is fair, who believe that females should stay at home and have the babies their husbands tell them to have, who consider less time to vote, voter ID Laws to be the democratic experience, who want to continue paying for wars but not for education, who are not scientists when it comes to the environment but are doctors when it comes to women’s bodies and of course Ebola; this same group of people who love to act as puppets for the billionaires who buy their votes actually have a chance to govern this nation as a majority for the next two years? So let me understand this, for those millions of Americans who simply hate that a black man is the president of the US will end up spiting themselves and vote in as the majority  the T-Publicans? So let me understand this, those millions of Americans who believe the lies of FOX NEWS, herald Sarah Palin as intelligent, believe that Jesus really speaks to Mike Huckabee, Pat Robertson, and Raphael Cruz (Ted Cruz’s delusional father) will decide the fate of this nations policies for the next two years?

Let me get this straight, Two T-Publicans running for Senate from Colorado and Iowa who have initiated a personhood amendment claiming that the instant the egg meets sperm full citizenship shall be attained in which that fetus can then attain legal counsel have a chance to sit in the Senate! One T-Publican running for Senate from Iowa who believes in nullification and her Second Amendment rights to shoot on sight any Federal agent who wants to enroll people in Obamacare has a chance to sit in the Senate! Two T-Publicans who firmly believe that Ebola is caused by Mexicans crossing the boarder making their way to Alaska and New Hampshire have a chance to sit in the Senate! Two T-Publican from Georgia and North Carolina who believe the true American way is to outsource jobs overseas, get a tax write off in doing so has a chance to sit in the Senate! One T-Publican from Kentucky who insists that women’s salaries never ever have to be equal to men’s paychecks has a chance to sit in the Senate! Let me get this straight those T-Publicans all who despise women, immigrants, the rights of the average American actually have a chance to become Senators?

So, let me understand just how democracy works in this nation of ours. As long as you use Jesus’s name in how you legislate…as long as you accept dark dirty money for your campaigns…as long as you insist that the poor are lazy…as long as you find bigotry, racism, homophobia, xenophobia as content for your stump speeches…as long as you appeal to the fears and loathing of the lowest common denominator of the population you have a chance to excel in the politics of the United States! What I don’t understand is how, when and why this has happened? Politics 2014 style are scarier then any Halloween ever!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

stupid is scary

Just in time for Halloween a new collection of monsters have surfaced. Many of these creatures have been around for a long, long time (but most recently with Ebola finding its way to the United States), the ugliness, meanness, evilness has found firmer footing and/or more horror. These denizens of doom who need no make up, masks or morose adaptations simply use their misguided religious zealotry, made up Americana, and very dysfunctional relationship with Jesus as the tools of their terror trade. Like any good monster they rely on fear, fable, fiction and of course hate and blame. The other big difference with these monsters then those found in celluloid or fiction novels is that instead of the simpleminded townsfolk, the ignorant urbanite, the feeble minded rural gentry running from the monsters, it seems that most of these mindless minions embrace the creature turning into the same kind of monster themselves.  It somehow seems to me it is easier to catch STUPID then it is to catch Ebola!

Phyllis Schlafly, as ancient as many a vampire used to spend her time trolling the Earth sucking blood from the LGBT community and feminists. She would pounce upon those who demonstrated any bit of need for freedom or equality and try to corner them into submission by calling them deviants, whores or un Christian. It is usually self absorbed monsters like Ms Schlafly who pretend they know God while intentionally trying to usurp God’s being and try in desperation to become God them self. The newest iteration of this Vampire Schlafly is now racism. Madam Vampire Phyllis has decided that because the Kenyan Obama (in power for the moment of this is really a while nation, United States), is certain that  he (King Obama) wants to make America like Africa; which is why he is permitting Ebola to thrive and arrive in this white’s only nation. Good ole’ Phyllis knows that this self imposed dictator (democracy failed when he was elected), yearns for his ancestral village and wants to impose the same dire consequences on ‘Merica as supposedly the white slave owners did to the supposed slaves of Africa. Ebola is a black person’s disease according to Schlafly. It must stay in Africa and no former son of that continent is going to bring that disease to a white enclave like ‘Merica. 

Keith Ablow a blow hard racist appearing on anything and everything FOX, has decided that the reason President Obama is useless in the fight against Ebola said the following “ Obama is not protecting us from Ebola because his infinities are with Africa, and not us…He’s their leader”. This man actually became a psychiatrist but is no more then a modern day Dr Demento. This Dr Demento has of course called poor people lazy, accused rape victims of just being too sleazy and asking for it and now has found a way to call Barack Obama president of Africa. Everyone knows on FOX Africans are evil, uncouth, unChristian heathens. Dr. Demento loves to fiddle with fiction, fake the facts and then try his best to make up some advice as if it is actually scholarly instead of bogus bull shit. The Kenyan is a black man and all black people have an undying affinity with Africa and of course it all is just a juicy ploy to get back at the innocent white slave owners of the South who were true Americans.

It is Halloween time but sadly these two monsters will not fade into the costume closet, nope they are so scary and frightening that the lonely, self loathing, loony, racist, misogynist, homophobe, Christian Crusaders will cajole, inspire and follow them letting these monsters take hold of the townsfolk’s fears. Ebola is awful, but the lies about it are even more disgusting and gory. Permitting the monsters like Schlafly and Ablow to delight in the false debate is spookier and more deadly then the most heinous of creatures. Stupid is very scary!

Friday, October 17, 2014

scary clowns

Congressman Billy Long (R) from Missouri brought a picture he collected from Google to the Congressional hearing regarding the Ebola Crisis in ‘Merica on Thursday October 16. The printed picture showed some terrible conditions of an emergency room in Africa. Rep Long also had a copy of the Bloomberg News to share with the doctors, scientists of CDC, NIH and Homeland Security. In that article the reporter warned America that Ebola would come to ‘Merica even before the first patient died of the disease in ‘Merica. (How did he know to predict that) Rep Billy Long was stressed he wanted answers and if the doctors, scientists, homeland security people could not supply him with what he needed to hear then good ole Billy would not know what to tell his constituents who are terrified of this African born disease, except to have everyone go to Google and figure it out themselves.   Rep Billy Long was elected to Congress in 2011 after a very successful stunt in the World Poker Tour and as an auctioneer. Congressman Billy Long participated in a three hour version of a clown car, where one after the other all hell bent on politics and good media bytes, opened the clown car door and performed stunts not even worthy of a one ringed circus show.

Many other Congressman who were praised by the Chairman, Tim Murphy (R) PA for actually coming back into town during their recess, (Imagine being praised for doing the people’s work- you know the job you were hired to do) joined the clown car charade by asking their ‘gottcha’ questions permitting the respondents about three seconds to answer and then supplying their own answers the ones submitted by the Republican National Committee). (After all you know it is almost mid-term elections and as always being forceful and pretending to offer an answer is a great re-election ploy of the T-Publicans.) This same group of less government, government is good politicians who have sabotaged the CDC and NIH budgets were now clamoring ‘why has more not been done. The T-Publicans are always at the forefront to cut budgets and then feigning amnesia as to why the lack of funds in the first place led to an emergency. Chairman Murphy made strong recommendations that we find the funds to aid the CDC and HIH immediately. (If you look closely, however at the T-Publicans agenda you will see that until this moment they have been on record to not even place in motion a vote to increase or even at least maintain the last budget for health and safety.

As is the case of mongers of hate, exclusion found its way to the top surrounded with a creamy layer of fear, of course minus the facts. The immediate answer by the World Poker, Long player and other Republican luminaries was to immediately limit all flights from West Africa, (and if that didn’t do the trick probably the rest of the Obama homeland.) Not listening to the doctors or scientists, or homeland security panel who pleaded that isolation would only make us more vulnerable as to discovering and handling who is arriving in ‘Merica with a potential lethal disease, the T-Publican majority (thank God for gerrymandering, Jim Crow laws and voter suppression) band of uneducated fools pressed forward with very backward notions. And of course the fearful band of politicians never bothered to mention that only one person from Africa had Ebola with the rest of the patents already Americans. Ebola is very scary, but what is even more frightening are the clowns who have no idea how to listen, how to cooperate, how to respond and how to guide the country. Trying to place blame, pouting the fingers to find a scapegoat, avoiding the fact but preferring the fancy, playing politics has too often and now too long been the the real enemy of this nation. The clowns in the Ebola Clown Car fiasco just made life in this nation more dreadful and dire. Nothing funny about a scary clown!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

In spite

So we are told that the T-Publicans have a chance to become the majority in the Senate and of course maintain if not increase their majority in the House. We hear those headline bits of news and then we hear…

…That most T-Publicans have no problem with Dark Money. Why does it have to be dark if the money is so all American apple pie perfect? Why not shed some light on the puppeteers who are and will be pulling the strings of the Congressional puppets. If you are receiving money from Citizen people and billionaires why not be loud and proud and let all of your constituents know who will be writing the laws of their land? Why is Dark Money such a secret, almost sounds sinful to consider it hush money. If you enjoy receiving pay for play money why not be honest and admit it?

…That a majority of T-Publicans who have never voted for equal pay for equal work for women, are now insisting they do like females. That any semblance of a vote in the past against the Lily Ledbetter Bill was a form of Liberal imagination. That closing abortion clinics, defying Roe Vs Wade, that binders of women is misleading and utterly a Progressive attempt to tell a truth that does not need telling. If T-Publicans like women so much how come they are on the record for NOT voting for any Bill to increase a woman's paycheck, treat women’s health condition as importantly as male health issues, and don’t think rape is just something a really horny woman wants?

…That a majority of T-Publicans insist they are not scientists when it comes to climate change or even the discussion that climate change might exist. How come the scientists these T-Publicans do listen to are always on the payroll of the Oil Cartels, Koch Brothers? Why is it that once the campaign coffers are filled from Coal companies suddenly politicians deny science as viable. One has to wonder if these T-Publicans all hell bent on family values and this being Jesus’s country don’t worry that their next generations might not have healthy safe environment in which to live?

…That a majority of T-Publicans don’t like democracy if the democratic process does not give them a majority of votes. That most T-Publicans want to throw off millions of Americans from receiving fair, equal health coverage by stopping the ACA? That this nation is not a land of immigrants? That Gays are anything but equal to straights. That war is better then peace?

So we are preached to that the T-Publicans are the answer to our prayers! How stupid will America become if the T-Publicans are elected and people like Ingraham, Limbaugh, Palin and Cruz become the policy makers? But moist importantly why would so many people punish them themselves when all they will end up with is spite?

Monday, October 13, 2014

laura, laura, laura

We live in a world where facts no longer matter and are commonly replaced with self imagined fiction. Truth is discounted and replaced with fabrication and dissemination based on bias and bigotry. Proof is never in the pudding for America 2014, nope we now are presented with a murky gel like substance which is spewed in a hate filled capsule then bully pulpit tangled up in Bible folklore, patriotic spasms and coated in white Christian privilege. Laura Ingraham is the most recent of right wing hate monger harlots to impose a double standard/hypocritical diatribe of misinformation. I have often stated that it is not the monster to be afraid of, but the minions who refuse to see just how evil that monster has become.

According to Laura Ingraham, being against the right of same-sex couples to marry doesn't make someone anti-gay. And being against the right of same-sex couples to marry doesn't mean someone is judging other people.
Having totally not squared that circle, Ingraham then suggests she might open to same-sex marriage as long as it can be proven that "it's ultimately about what's best for the children" and has a long history of working.
"What do we know definitively works, and worked, and what is still an unknown, what did [our country] historically believe?” (media matters)

Laura likes to shout out the national anthem, carry a handgun next to her bosom as she recites the Pledge of Allegiance, and always has a white robe in the closet as she harangues the President of the Untied States.  Her audience base is a group of people who would rather be preached at then discover truth on their own. She is a savvy entertainer who loves the holiday of Halloween because she is never with out a horrifying tale or two riddled with fear, loathing, horror and accusations. Like most self loathing racists, misogynists, and homophobes, Ms Ingraham is very cautious in directly denying just how hateful she is but prefers to blame those around her for feeling that way. Your behavior she insists is what causes me consternation! Most vehemently anti same-sex marriage goons never want to look at the dysfunctional opposite-sex family when it comes to absent parents, troubled children, adulterous behavior or lack of guidance, not all; for them, all of those occurrences are natural, you know God’s will because God prefers a Mama and Papa. 

Ms Ingraham is just one more example of a fool given the space to corrupt any sensible conversation on equal  and civil rights. Ms Ingraham is smart enough to deny others any justice by insisting that THOSE people are not like us and certainly do not deserve what WE are granted by God. Ms Ingraham stop your stupid already, just find one grain of honesty and admit you are judging same-sex couples because you are a homophobe! No one has to prove anything to you, NO one! 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

scary movie

You know when you watch a really scary movie, the kind of movie when the music becomes bleak with lots of cellos and ominous percussion in the background playing as the naive (perhaps really stupid, inept, dumb usually pretty white folk) start to either go into the basement that suddenly is without electricity or climb the measly stairs that pull down leading to the attic.  You know when the one light bulb that does work flashes from on to off swaying in a sudden wind, highlighting shadows that look like demons or some dead person who died eons ago, or find the profile of a beast with four eyes ten hands and blood dripping from their mouth lurking in the corner(waiting for the chick with big boobs, the chiseled hunky dude or the kid who is so good at playing the good kid but is honestly as bad ass evil as it gets). You know when you are watching that movie, so predictable as to what happens next as the ax murderer is hiding in the shower stall or the vampire is just behind the refrigerator door, or the lady with half a head is in the closet at the ready to behead, bite or devour (the stupid, supposedly innocent virgin, God fearing, wholesome douchebag.) You know that no matter how inane, insane, ridiculous and juvenile the plot seems it still gets your attention. Well if anyone has been watching FOX (we make up the news television) , you will get the same feeling as you watch the FOX Reality Stars pretending to report the news actors; present fiction regarding the Ebola outbreak in America. You will get to witness just how bigots, xenophobes, Christian jihadists and Koch Brother’s propagandists try their damnedest to scare the shit out of you!

The FOX Noise blond haired ladies and men, the FOX news white entertainers who always mange to have a person of color as their muse next to them, the FOX News treasonists at the ready with an unabridged paper back version of the Constitution next to selected portions of the Bible with quotes from Republican activists judges like Scalia, Thomas, or Alito, or swear they are infectious disease health professionals, are at the ready to pontificate and rape the minds of the insecure,self loathing, fiction outweighs facts viewers of the FOX News nation and either blame the Kenyan in the White House, Gay Marriage proponents, Mexicans or those untamed female hussies of ‘Merica (who want abortions just because they think they deserve it) for the End Times curse of EBOLA. The FOX Noise let’s shout fire in the theater when all we did was fart, actors have been demanding isolation, ignorance and of course antiChristian hate for the blacks in West Africa who invented EBOLA , the Progressives of ‘Merica who embrace the hedonism life style of anyone who is not a believer in their version of the Lord and Savior,  and the direct assault by Obama for encouraging EBOLA to come to the red WHITE and blue shores of this land is my land BUT not yours.

You know those apocalypse themed movies when the population is threatened by a monster and supposed to NOT run amuck but usually end up shooting one another on the freeways as they try to escape a 5000 foot wave, an alien spacecraft, or a Zombie plague; but do because of sheer fool hearty belief in a few crackpot villains…you know those movies the ones you watch and say this is my guilty pleasure and finally add this is such bull shit. Well, if we permit FOX Noise to continue its Halloween scare tactics without calling them out for the frauds they are… we will all be starring in a horror flick scarier then our own imaginations and the outcome will be frightening! BOO!!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Twilight zonish

If you take two people and ask them to describe their favorite episode of the Twilight Zone, most likely you will get at least four answers. It was an amazing show and the variety of macabre, bizarre, twisted endings and unseen plot lines enticed the imaginations of most. Just take the time and recall how scared, how horrified, how fooled you were when thinking about your favorite Twilight Zone episode!

I have been thinking about the Twilight Zone and after much consternation, and consideration do have a very favorite episode that not only mystifies me with its lack of reasoning, its most inhuman treatment of its characters, and its portrayal of monsters often times to hideous and heinous to even contemplate. It is the episode where there are a group of people who believe that their words and deeds and actions even when recorded on audio or video, accounted for in print NEVER, EVER occurred. Just writing about it sends shivers up my spine, how insidious the main characters in demanding they never said that women are chattel, Muslims infidels, homosexuals the curse of the devil and poor people lazy and drug users. I shudder at how blatantly bold these monsters are as I listen to their voices chanting mantras of hate, racism misogyny, and when confronted look people in the eye and insist they have been taken out of context. I scream in terror as slurs about anyone who is not them are bandied about. How flippant they get interjecting innuendo regarding THOSE of a different religion, color or gender. I shiver with fear as accusations based on pure fiction and fable are discussed as if it was written by the hand of God himself! Pure Rod Serling I say to hear your own voice and see your own image rant and rave, hate and divide, cast assertions  while INSISTING that it wasn’t ME who said or did that. Bravo, I shout, Bravo, now that is the scariest Twilight Zone I have ever seen.

Oh, oops, wait, I am sorry I got carried away as none of that happened on a Twilight Zone episode. How silly of me, Rod Serling or for that matterStephen King could never have conjured up a creation that EVIL. Damn, I was just watching FOX News.I was watching as multitudes of T-Publicans were being interviewed as they run for office, running away from their derogatory comments said about Gays, Blacks, Women, Immigrants, Poor, Elderly and Unemployed people. I was watching as these lying liars said they  said it wasn’t ME on that tape or that audio.I confused the T-Publican cowards who love to speak to closed minded bigots expressing all kinds of venom and vile then deny it all after being found out as fools. All this time I thought I was watching the Twilight Zone, damn!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

sudafed up

A few months ago I went to my neighborhood CVS Pharmacy walked over to the allergy/headache aisle to purchase some Sudafed. Alas alack there was an empty shelf with a sign apologizing for its absence, insisting however if I did want to purchase it I would have to visit the Pharmacist in person. Okay, it is just Sudafed why the hassle, but following the directions I marched my congested and sinus headachy self to the at least 6 people in front of me on line. Really! About 12 prescription laters, the smiley Pharmacist was about to ask me what I needed. I was a little self absorbed with pain, pissy and aggravated so my first question was why do I have to see you to buy and over the counter drug. SUDAFED, the now annoyed and unsmiling Pharmacist explained with no animation in her voice can be used for creating Meth products! So it is now a controlled substance. Attitude, okay Pharmacist, let me show you ATTITUDE. Why would I want to create Meth products, when I all want is to eliminate my sinus headache and allergies. Sir it is the CDC law I am not accusing you, do you want it or not? I was going to spite myself by saying no, but I thought i needed it to at least diminish  the congestion and pain. To PURCHASE the damn SUDAFED, I had to show my drivers license, swear in writing on a long form that I have never purchased Sudafed in past 6 months, and sign a triple form declaring that I could go to jail if any of my information was incorrect or inaccurate. And I smiled for the security camera above the head of the very sour looking Pharmacist.

If I have three convictions, carry a gun, and am not a member of the Secret Service I can ride an elevator with the President. If I want to jump a fence run across the front yard of the White House enter the building and almost run up the stairs to the First Family’s residence, no problem. If I sit in my car on Constitution Ave and fire 7 rounds into the White House no one will notice for a few months. Makes you wonder, don’t it!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Curious, huh!

Curious, huh! The right wing hawks are ever eager to talk about boots on the ground to fight ISIL, at the ready to send our Troops to yet another Middle East War, choosing the finest of God only blesses America rhetoric when there is a war against those heathen Muslims; acting as brave Patriots as they campaign for the mid term elections. But why are these same red, white and blue T-Publicans so hesitant to do the job they were elected to do and insist that their recess end so they can actually pass the war legislation they seem to long for? Curious, huh that the echoes of war, baby war only resonate everywhere but in the Capitol!

Curious huh! Colorado Congressman (R) Doug Lamborn is trying to destabilize the American military to usurp the President’s position regarding ISIL. Rep Lamborn, elected to office to uphold the Constitution decides that a bit of treason is more American than apple pie, so he is on a mission for the general’s to commit a coupe of sorts to undermine the President. Not too many T-Publicans in a tizzy over this overt anti -American action by a Congressman. But way back in the day the Dixie Chicks sing a song about how they aren’t going to take it anymore with Georgie Bush’s lies and pretentious Executive actions, and suddenly all God fearing, National Anthem singing, love it or leave it T-Publicans want the Dixie Chicks (not elected, not sworn to protect and defend the Constitution) to be deported to North Korea. Curious, huh, how patriotism is defined and demanded when one President is white and the other is black.

Curious, huh! The right wing press all over themselves with family values, pro-life, heterosexual marriage can not find enough ways to diss Chelsea Clinton and the birth of her daughter. It seems in the world of the right wing-nut journalism, a married couple giving birth is not too Kosher when one of that couple is a Clinton. Curious, huh, how when it is a Palin and the family only consists of the unmarried mother, and the child is born out of wedlock, there is no commotion or horror mentioned. Curious, huh how family values have nothing to do with the family but everything to do with politics.

Monday, August 18, 2014

color of hate

By the end of the day on November 4, 2008 history had been made and for some Americans a sense of renewal, awareness, promise and perhaps the chance that racial bigotry might end. Barak Obama was elected president, the first man of color to be democratically elected as president of a nation striving for fair and equal. There was jubilant celebration from many and hidden secretive dredging of doom by others. There was cause for celebration by many but careless consternation by others. There was hope on the horizon for many but ruts in the road ahead by others. I believe the day this country, based on fair and equal democratic principles elected its first African American president, was the exact moment bigotry became more toxic, hate virulent, internal anti-Americanism rampant, and contempt a hideous disease. Permitted by entertainers calling themselves journalists supported by billionaire puppet masters more concerned with their own white welfare, presented by politicians having little respect for the Constitution by which they were elected to serve; a very contagious disease of Racism camouflaged as religion/patriotism erupted. Suddenly it was more then the American way to disagree with the president it was an American duty especially by white folk to deny, defy and destroy its democratic principles.

From the moment that Mr Obama was elected those in this nation whose inbred ignorance whose religious fanaticism which does not include God, whose self loathing triumphing over appreciation of self have dug in deep and have used hate as a rational for the form of governance to suit their spiteful tastes. Voter ID Laws, Stand Your Ground Laws, Drug tests for poor people, gerrymandered districts, all erupted like an active volcano which sadly had only been dormant and not extinct. Masked as the opposition party, pretending to be the pro and con of politics, the T-Party rose and engulfed an already angry and biased Republican Party. Words like bi-partisan were never permitted to be used because bi-partisan might mean being on the side of the black man in the oval office. From the first day Mr Obama was elected the dissent, the discussion, the demand for something else had little to do with policies but a whole hell of a lot to do with the color of the skin of the president. For enough Americans it was an outrageous, embarrassing moment that this nation could, would have indeed did elect a Kenyan, Socialist, Colored person to he highest office of the land. For many of those who see nothing but bias, speak nothing but bigotry, eat and drink from bogus, this election was never and would never be the MERICA that was their inherited right to claim!

Throughout the first term and the current second term of office by Mr Obama, we have seen more aggressive behavior, more animosity, more intolerance and less respect for the lives of people of color in this nation and in particular African-Americans. If anyone is surprised by the horrible murder in Ferguson, the corruption of evidence and true facts by the white people in power in Ferguson, the needling and needing to find fault with the victim and his family by conservative pundents regarding Ferguson, then they are fools and have kept their heads buried in a very white sand. I believe that if we look close enough as to when race relations became a major force of evil it will find its root in a racial event this nation was at first proud of, the election of Barack Obama, who by the way happened to be black. I believe there are too many white folk who refuse to this day to respect the democratic process with the election of President Obama, and have and are currently doing anything and everything to let him know his relevance and power are not respected, with the most egregious of positions the police in Ferguson took to shoot a kid the same color as the president. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Speaking in tongues

“We believe”? Wait, I thought fast food joints, hurh. Don’t you guys think that they’re like of the Devil or somethin’ I was. Liberals, you want to send those evil employees who would dare work at a fast food joint then ya just don’t believe in, thought you wanted to, I dunno, send them to Purgatory or somethin’ so they all go vegan and, uh, wages and picket lines I dunno they’re not often discussed in Purgatory, are they? I dunno why are you even worried about fast food wages because ha. Well we believe an America, where minimum wage jobs, they're not like life time gigs, they're stepping stones.”{sarah palin}, (Daily Kos)

Sarah Palin speaks in tongues. She is mostly incoherent to the average person, but her followers whose own backgrounds are deeply rooted in bias, bigotry, racism, homophobia and misogyny sadly understand every broken syllable, colloquial, non sentence gibberish she spews. Sarah Plain speaks in tongues. She is a troubled woman who finds that enemies are a necessity, and difference a disease. Her followers agree with the voodoo, she do so well and always have a white robe, tar and feathers, a noose or two and abridged versions of both the Constitution and Bible at bay. Sarah Plain speaks in tongues. Her religion relies on assault weapons, inequality, a pervasive fever of the stupid, and a longing for self declared victimhood. Her followers have elongated fingers always at the ready to point outward toward the OTHER, and a hole in their brain that disallows history, facts or common sense from penetrating any membranes left in the upper lobes. Sarah Palin speaks in tongues, and she channels the most venomous parasites available to infect her followers.

Sarah Plain is dangerous because she has no filters and the words she drips onto the American stage are poisonous, pompous and pathetic. Sarah Palin is a facade but sadly her followers never desire depth or insight, preferring emptiness and groundless machinations. Sarah Palin is product of a culture that has been sidetracked by selfish, insincere, hurry up and rush and a lack of respect for the the greater good. Sarah Palin is a fool who has inspired the fool hearty to dig deep into their hate and proudly promote all of that disdain into a form of religion. 

Sarah Palin is a con artist not someone to be laughed at but someone to worry about. Sarah Palin speaks in tongues and she somehow is communicating with a group of people who linger on the anarchy, terrorism, phony and anger. Sarah Palin speaks in tongues and somehow has been able to communicate clear enough to help turn this nation into a clown show.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Fools on the hill

Life will continue on no matter how poisonous we create our climate, no matter how stringent and restrictive we interpret our religion, no matter how hurtful and harmful we dispose of equality and freedom. Life will continue but it will be the quality of our life that will struggle for survival and it will be the enjoyment of our life that will suffer. Some, hiding in the confines of ivory towers, the majestic pools of wealth, the indifference of fair and just, the selfish clothing of mine not yours, will always feel they can afford to look the other way because for the moment they believe they are the majority, the select, the beyond reproach, the chosen few. Some will establish rules always stringent and selective to dash the hopes of the many, but persuading themselves that in doing so they are the acting this way because after all they are the victims. They assume they are brighter, whiter, closer to God, and of course can write the checks to pay and pave their way. In America the Beautiful we have rewarded this club of monied maniacs, stupid lemmings, and hateful humans, by pretending bigotry makes sense, bias is the 11th Commandment, bogus is truth and of course hate is the part of the democratic process.

We hear about laws to dissuade Americans to vote unless they want to vote for the T-publicans. We are told fetus’s are people along with Corporations but once that fetus is born the T-publicans insist thou shalt not spend a dime on them. We are preached to that tax evasion by the poor is a crime worth punishment, but moving your corporate headquarters overseas is American as apple pie, by the same wealthy people playing puppeteers to the T-Publican politicians. We witness T-Publicans standing in front of abortion clinics protesting the value of life and watch as they either dawn white robes, AK-45 assault weapons or the Confederate flag demanding that the children from Central America are vermin, Ebola carriers or future terrorists. We watch as heterosexuals marry, divorce, perform adulterous adventures too numerous to count, marry for status, wealth and not necessarily to provide offspring, but are told by the T-Publican state legislatures that homosexuals are the cause for the destruction of the Institute of Marriage.

Life will continue of course, but what kind of living will we all have to endure? We watch as the T-publican primaries are contests to remove those politicians who are now considered the enemy just because they either called for some kind of compromise, believed that the Constitution is more legal then the Bible or did not demand the president be impeached. Wealthy families who make big bucks on polluting the Earth find T-publican lackeys to dismiss any concerns about the environment. Wealthy families who prefer a feudal system argue that the minimum wage keeps America red, white and blue and changing it will surely bring socialism or communism to our shores. Wealthy families argue that tax breaks for the 1% will make the 99 percent stronger. We watch as these same wealthy families buy and sell our Congress and pull every conceivable string to keep democracy from moving forward.

Life will continue, but in what form? The mid-term elections are closing in on us and much to my disbelief the rumor mill has a potential for the T-Publicans to become the majority in the Senate, and to continue running the House. How in the world have we become a nation of the stupid, the folks who love to shoot themselves in the foot, the fool on the hill? Imagine life continuing in this nation when Sarah Palin, the Koch Brothers, Donald Trump, anyone of FOX News, Ted Cruz or Ann Coulter are the deciders of the life we live?

Friday, August 8, 2014

hate, murder and God

A Fire Mountain restaurant patron calls a gay man a "fucking faggot," and threatens that he should be "put to death." He later says his "religious principles" motivated him. (Huff Post) Some people, when they look at the worst Ebola outbreak in history, hope for its quick end and for the safety of those in the communities affected.  But others, like Christian Radio Host Rick Wiles hope it spreads to the US and wipes out every last atheist and gay person in the country. (
Religious principles, to hate, to reject, to segregate, to ostracize to murder. More and more those who say they are soldiers of God those who hear God whisper to them, those who want to act like God are at the ready to justify their humanness by citing religious principles. God now is used to justify the Second Amendment. God’s name is called upon to interfere with women’s reproductive rights while at the same time ignoring the basic needs of being alive.  God is suddenly a white’s only entity who has disdain for people of color and certainly must have looked the other way when brown and black hues found footing on Earth. God never liked difference we are told and HIS image can only be the face we see in the mirror; as long as that face is white, heterosexual, Evangelical and stupid.
We can read the words of homophobic, racist bigots and laugh, but the laughter is drown by the venom that those words retain. If we say God told us so, and that it is God’s religious principles I adhere to then supposedly the bile spewed makes hate okay. The stupid are not going away, no they are bolted by entertainers on FOX News paid not to think but to demonstrate ignorance. They are supported by pseudo- politicians who understand that as long as they quote falsehoods they are relevant, as long as they play puppet for self serving billionaires they can survive. They are supported by men and women who insist God ordained them to fight the Devil, the Devil they define.

Where and when did a loving God demand people be put to death? And if that is the God you prefer why would you choose a God who seems to suffer the same failings and fault as mere mortals? And exactly what religious principles are you extolling; mob rule, mayhem, murder? In America of 2014, it seems those who call themselves Patriots are the first to want segregation, restriction on freedoms, and a disdain for democracy. In America 2014 those who call themselves Christian are the first demand retaliation, and murder. I want so much for those who are not self loathing, insecure, stupid to take back the agenda for this nation and create real principles of humanity by which we all should live equally!