One might wonder if T-Bagging Republican women never ever need mammograms, pap smears physicals or regular visits to the obstetrician, as they follow like sheep their mostly male captains for whom they voted into office, the ones that insist women really don’t know their own bodies. One might wonder if the T-Bagging Republican females elected to office, don’t care about their legions of sisters as they preoccupy themselves with trying to defund Planned Parenthood insisting that girls know what to do when their beaus penetrate them sans condoms their breasts feel a little tender, or their periods are irregular. Heck, their mothers didn’t need NO Obama inspired socialist medical service like Planned Parenthood. One might wonder exactly how women in poverty under the strict regulation of their owners, their husbands, survive when in fact they have unprotected sex, have no food stamps for their unintended children, are beaten and abused because they might ask for respect, OR just want to experience pride in their own bodies. One might wonder but never ever the T-Bagging Republican gerrymandered Voter ID restricted politicians who think that women were and are the rib of Adam. Jesus will take care of them and if he DON”T then those women were sinners to begin with, and Jesus has no patience with women gone bad!
One might wonder just how popular the T-Bagging Republican politicians are, when they want to limit women the right to choose, women’s rights to seek contraceptive protection, women’s rights to receive equal pay for equal work, women’s rights to not marry, women’s rights to be independent of anything male. One might wonder how much longer the T-Bagging Republican Christian Crusaders can deny there is a war on women when in the past year there have been at least five bills to undermine any advances females have made in this country. One might wonder just how stupid are the women who wear T-bags or tin foil on their heads, believing that the Bible, the one written by men says a woman is JUST chattel should be seen and not heard, that God made Adam and then Eve. One might wonder, but the evidence is there, T-Bagging women are as ignorant, biased, and bigoted as their bread winning hubbies, but even more stupid because they support laws that demonstrate that women are second class.
One might wonder, but in America 2015, it seems that as long as you insist that Obamacare is a socialist plot, this is a Christian nation, black lives DO NOT matter, same-sex marriage causes opposite-sex divorces, this is not a nation built by immigrants, God would never pollute the planet, corporations are people, FOX News is built on journalistic standards, Sarah Palin is one of the brightest females in the nation, men are the hunter and gatherers, you have NO problem telling that little lady she is NO more then a piece of property like that pick up truck, RV or assault weapon. Too many little ladies sip the tea as if it was cool aid!