Thursday, August 27, 2015

Here we go again

Here we go again! Another shooting and once again cries will go out for stricter gun control, better screening of gun licenses and shouts will go out, no socialist president is gonna take away my assault weapon, no liberal pussy is gonna destroy my second amendment rights to mow down anyone I want. Here we go again, with CNN highlighting breaking news forgetting the real issue of gun violence. MSNBC will try and relate to the victims pretending that the story is nothing more then innocents being murdered. FOX will insist that had the reporters hired an off duty cop once the gun fire began the shooter would have been killed. Here we go again the clowns running for president from the T-Bagging community will swear on the Bible that life is precious but owning a gun makes it even more valuable. The Dems from blue states will ring their hands and say if not now when for better gun laws, and the Dems from purple states will shy away completely from fighting the NRA saying we need to find common ground. Here we go again!

Violence in America seems to be the way of apple pie, baseball games and motherhood. It is the right of every ‘Merikan’ to have an assault weapon, a bazooka, a land to air missile in their home at least until the Kenyan is no longer in office. Arm everyone like we did in the wild, wild west, no need for a sheriff in 2015 as long as you can count on the Aryan Brotherhood, the KKK, the Gatekeepers. More reason to not question the police when they decide that any one of color is suspect, anyone who questions is armed, anyone who does not immediately respect the strong arm of the law is a criminal. Violence is what makes this country of ‘Merika’ exceptional. We are special because we permit ANYONE to own a gun. Health insurance is socialist, unions are communist, the NRA is all American, if you don’t agree lets have a duel at high noon!

Here we go again, appalled, amazed or maybe just uninterested because shootings have become so mundane, so yesterday! The T-Baggers will brag that had the reporters been carrying heat, they would have only been grazed by the bullets. The Clowns running for president from the T-Bagging Party will insist that this is an isolated action and what we need to concentrate on is keeping the rapist immigrants from Mexico from having a gun. The NRA will write the script for all of the politicians it has paid off and say because of one bad apple you are foolish to assume others are just as crazy. Here we go again a two day news cycle useless once the talking heads go through the internet files of the shooter, tell stories about the innocent victims, shake their heads in disgust. Here we go again that is until another shooting and then we start to go again!

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