When we saw a well tailored man standing next to a ‘wanna’ be ‘player’ at a podium, lumber over to a reporter, who was asking hard questions relative to a population of people who suddenly seem to be the anti-american du jour being told told to leave an open press conference in the United States of America; being physically threatened to leave the room we witnessed a flash of Fascism finding form and function in the politics of our nation. When we then witnessed a tall white guy all dapper looking guy in his blue blazer, most likely purchased from Macy’s with an “I Love Trump’ sticker on his breast pocket, pointing his boney well manicured fingers at the reporter ejected from a free and open press conference shouting to the man “Get Out of My Country” whose name sounded way to Hispanic to be an American, we witnessed history repeating itself and flashbacks of the Salem Witch Hunt, Jim Crow, George Wallace, Japanese Internment Camps, Joe McCarthy coming to light once again!
When we finally watch Donald Trump without the laugh track that so easily plays in the background, con a group of bottom barrel bigots into thinking he is their voice for freedom all the while insisting that women, homosexuals, black lives and now immigrants (who must certainly all be from Mexico) are the main roadblock for misogynists, homophobes, religious fanatics and racists to never eat their fair share of the American apple pie we are witnessing the emptiness and void that has become the theme of T-Bagging Republican politics. When we watch Donald Trump scheme and plot, marketing fear and prejudice lacking any sensitivity or concern for his words or actions, it is like witnessing the patron at a movie theater quietly exit the theater and as he lock the door behind scream FIRE!
We know that Donald Trump seeks the applause, never really answering any sane question but deferring to just how great he is or how much money he has made, we know he is a foible of a culture where talent is not necessary, intelligence off setting, and facts just more fiction. Donald Trump may ride his wave of fame even longer then the usual 15 minutes allowed but like the tsunami wave, it is the utter destruction of anything decent that does the most damage once the wave is gone. When the KKK, White Supremacy groups beg to be in line behind this man. When the foulest of Christian crusaders decide to take up arms and beat up anyone on Trump’s enemy list. When the townsfolk suddenly become more terrifying then the monster they created, and more threatening. When all of this happens and goes unchecked history will repeat itself in a dangerous, destructive and and anti democratic way.
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