Two T-Bagging ladies men running for the office of president are leading the polls in Iowa, Donald Trump and Ben Carson. Donald loves the ladies so much he has purchased his third bride and would love to date his daughter if she wasn’t his daughter. Donald also has radar vision and knows when, how and where and how often women bleed. Dr Ben uses his physician facts and blends them into women facts by explaining that there is no war on women just a war on the fetus the woman happens to be carrying. He is a neurosurgeon and is a bit confused about how exactly that fetus IS a part of the mother. Dr Ben insists that if women realize it is not about being raped, or incest or even the chance of dying in childbirth that matters, the real war is to snuff out the life of that gosh darn separate entity in your belly the fetus, so you WOMEN are part of the war if you decide on ann abortion.
One has to wonder, are there no T-Bagging women in Iowa? Are there no daughters, wives, girlfriends, mothers or aunts in Iowa? The Donald and Dr Ben two ladies men who have NO idea about women and who are true misogynists leading in the T-Bagging polls! Do the females in Iowa have such low self esteem, lack insight, love being demeaned? Are the men in Iowa so confused about the health and welfare regarding the ladies in their life that they prefer two men with absolutely no respect for women. Oh my Iowa!
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