Friday, August 28, 2015


Cockroaches love to invade the homes of humans feeding on all kinds of crumbs and leaving a dangerous waste product behind them. Rats will flock to the garbage bins and find food in the most disgusting places. Fly’s lay their eggs in rotting corpses hatching maggots to eat the remaining flesh of any organism. Vultures pick at the bones and sip on the dried blood of road kill or the remains of anything killed. And now we have a line up of cockroaches, rats, maggots and vultures at the ready to support the bigoted, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynist views of Donald Trump the list is super charged with the most vile and villainous…Sarah Palin, David Duke, Ted Cruz, Ted Nugent, Ann Coulter. So you think Donald is a man of the people a true American, perhaps, if the people are all white, heterosexual, hypocritical Christian Crusaders, self proclaimed victims and of course haters of THOSE others! It is no longer a joke when the lowest of American values and morals all come to play in the billionaires penthouse. It is not funny when credence is given to say people of color are not true Americans, homosexuals should be slaughtered, rounding up demographics will make America greater, and of course if it ain’t Christian, it ain’t American. 

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