Donald Trump has nothing to lose in his run for the presidency in America in 2015 because in America 2015 we have FOX NEWS, Limbaugh radio, Ann Coulter history, Palin abstinence, Kardashian talent, Koch democracy, Monsanto agriculture, Duggar Family values, Walkers lies, Christie’s bullying, Steve King’s immigration, police cover-ups, and a war machine still in effect from ex-president Dick Cheney to mention a few. Donald Trump has nothing to lose and everything to win because he epitomizes the current trend of hypocrisy. Kim Davis county clerk in Kentucky married 4 times refuses to permit Gays to get married because that will destroy the damned Institution of Marriage. Donald Trumps newest purchase, his third wife, models the skimpiest of no clothes but the religious right goes bonkers when Michelle Obama wears sweat pants, exercises and actually has beads of sweat on her body. About 400 married men of the Christian cloth flocked to Ashley Madison to do some schtooping but none of the born again T-Baggers running for president believe that is the cause for a demise in region in this nation, just the poor, the Gays and lose women.
Donald Trump can act like a Fascist because the Trump supporters have no idea what Fascism is anyway, even though they love themselves some Hitler comparisons when speaking about President Obama or the Progressives. Singling out a demographic different than you for the Trump-ettes is common place as they learned it from their granddaddy’s when they was home schooled not reading the history books but the passage from the Bible where God said he created the white folk and then the colored folk to work for the white folk. The Trumpeters have no problem with Josh Duggar cause even though he molested his sisters, cheated on his wife, he is now in God’s care, and nothing says lovin’ by Jesus then praying hard and having a group of subservient gals who must have provoked those natural man yearnings anyway.
We as a nation have a whole lot to lose when Donald Trump sets the standard for immigration policy, Mike Huckabee explains the birds and the bees, Jeb Bush reinvents history, Carly Firoina
proposes no maternity leave and Ben Carson is the expert on what goes on inside the private parts of ladies. We have a lot to lose when, if elected, any T-Bagging candidate will not only continue Corporations to be people but will issue birth certificates to them. We have a whole lot to lose when the T-Bagging presidential candidates never discuss climate change, equal pay for equal work, the growing difference in income between rich and poor and the demise of the middle class. We have a whole lot to lose when war seems to be the answer to America continuing being the exceptional nation we assume we are. Donald Trump has nothing to lose if he wins or loses, he will write his next book, market his next batch of snake oil, and retreat to some remote island while the world in which he laid the firewood and lit the match burns.
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