Thursday, August 13, 2015

'Nothin' Like A Dame'

Suddenly Megyn Kelly is an angel the perfect woman, the lady scorned. She attacked The Donald directly but ignored any disparaging remarks by the men who insisted that rape is a gift, women should pull themselves up from their own high heels, and female reproductive rights are the purview of the government, the one in which Jesus is president. Suddenly Megyn Kelly is the victim the little lady who was chastised for chastising a bully who in turn bullied her. Megyn Kelly has ranted and raved against equal pay for equal work for women. She has insisted that any woman who demands a fair chance in the work place is really demeaning the male worker. Megan Kelly believes that if a person known as a corporation feels insulted that they must pay for female icky things and they believe Jesus would turn over in his grave,they have the right to act like God. And suddenly Megan Kelly is receiving the same kind of unequal treatment that she has bestowed upon Black Lives Matter, Same-Sex Marriage, Immigrants, and she is pissed. And suddenly Megyn Kelly is a martyr! Sadly Megan was treated with disrespect for doing her scripted job at FOX News which has taken no time to throw her under the bus. Sadly Megan Kelly was the stooge given freedom to diss the Donald while her male co-moderators didn’t! Sadly Megyn was treated just like most women in this nation with less regard, little respect and she was in turn treated like shit. I am curious, what lesson has Megyn learned from all of this, that as a woman her voice does not matter, or as a woman she needs to look a little closer at the lack of respect for everything female within the T-Bagging Republican Party?

Suddenly Planned Parenthood is the boogey man, the Mad Hatter offing the heads of fetuses.Suddenly a video intended to hold no fact and a whole lot of fiction has drawn the attention of the T-Bagging Republican party and their Christian Crusaders at the ready for another Inquisition. Suddenly women’s health is back to not being important, women’s education about choice a problem. Women planning pregnancies a fools enterprise and cancer screenings just a pain in the cervix. Suddenly the boys running for president from a T-Bagging Republican Christian Conservative Fascist party want to defund Planned Parenthood because everyone knows that the ONLY women who use Planned Parenthood are either women of color, women in poverty (and Jesus has made it clear being poor is like dating the Devil), prostitutes, non Christians (certainly not the kind of gal you would bring to your church) or ALL of the above. Suddenly another war on women is creeping into the landscape of misogynist politicians who feed off the slime of the most uneducated people in America!

Suddenly Donald Trump has changed his tune, he says he likes women, well maybe not the fat Lesbian known as Rosie O’Donnell, she is still a fat pig, and not Megan Kelly cause she is always on her menstrual cycle, but he DOES like women. He certainly likes Sarah Palin! Donald also likes women enough that he got married 3 times. He likes women so much that he even said that if daughter Ivanka were not his daughter he would date her. Suddenly the noise machine of Family Values,the propaganda of FOX Noise, the Bible thumping crusaders who love them some snake oil have become quiet…because suddenly Donald Trump may actually be the dude who gets the T-Bagging nomination. And just as suddenly women once again nothing more then the rib from Adam! ‘Nothin’ Like a Dame!’

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