Dear Megyn Kelly,
Whether it was really an issue you take to heart or a scripted piece of propaganda against The Donald, you at least tried to ask a relevant question in regards to the T-Publicans “War on Women”. Now I know Megan you DO NOT believe there is an actual declaration of war on women by ANY T-Publicans but you contorted your face enough, raised your voice a little, deepened your speaking tone a degree and actually made some viewers think you cared. Problem is Megyn is that you JUST asked Donald Trump about his disparaging remarks toward anyone female and did not even quote the heinous remarks all the other dudes on stage had made to the baseless group of bigots known as the T-Publican base.I give a one clap for that and not really an applause. But you at least spoke aloud one of the more pressing issues that face this nation, so clap, clap (two claps…still no standing ovation)!
But Megyn I digress. I am not a fan of yours I can not actually like people who are liars for a salary, but I am intrigued at the amount of negative responses you supposedly have received because in this one teeny, tiny incidence you tried to be honest with the facts. (Again if FOX News is involved or its celebrities pretending to be anything but fair and balanced, tell the truth there usually has an ugly reason why attached to it.) So Megyn, how does it feel to stand up for a cause you might even think is about respect, equality and freedom just to have the same lemmings who usually send you bouquets for your big mouth, shout you down and consider you a traitor, a commie or worse a liberal? How does it feel to be listen to the hecklers the loudmouths and in this case the misogynists who would rather support a chauvinistic pig then embrace respect for women? So Megyn when you insist that black lives do not matter, that the LGBT community is a bunch of radicals, that the poor deserve to live in poverty, that immigrants don’t deserve any of the American dream (because, Megan to be honest you have experienced none of that, and never intend to understand the facts) HOW does it feel to be a female a woman and hear the protests from the idiots who don’t realize as women their rights and respect are denied or the female family members of the male jerks who will never obtain equality? Kind of scary Megan that the same monsters you raised and trained are now turning on you!
Donald Trump is a very calculated insecure man, so he is very dangerous. FOX News placed the electrodes to his brain charging electricity each and every time your corporation let him speak the stupid, so in a way you all are Dr. Frankenstein. Donald Trump now needs no more FOX News charge for his insidious actions but instead feeds off the bigotry and bias of the audiences Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch and their hired gang of propagandists like you who have encouraged and entertained and fed the townsfolk. Megan I truly wonder how it feels to receive the disingenuous, dangerous, un democratic derogatory responses to something that seems so wrong, treating women as second class citizens. But Megan you started a joke and now you ain’t laughing! One sad clap!
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