If you want nothing done, but “thoughts and prayers,” then hire Mickey Pence to wash your sins away! Simple and insane, thoughtless and so Trump, the man who helped spike the HIV/AIDS crisis in Indiana, and the guy who helped METH users become addicts, and discover all the bogyman illnesses and conditions that act as parasites to the mind and body of METH addicts, was given the Orange Seal of Approval by another man for whom the intake of drugs just to have him amble in and out of bed each day, remember his own name, and of course keep that REVENGE LIST, Donald Trump!
With too much make-up, a girth grown so wide that even the longest of ties could not hide, looking lost in a circle of reason and purpose, almost standing in silent stupors for seconds or minutes at time, and of course throwing adulations about himself, regarding his major accomplishments on making America, and Brazil, and India great again, he joked that a common cold, the flu is mere chump change, and the real culprit of the disease’s spread was, of course, the Media. Trying as they might challenge, this mentally challenged man suffering from dementia and psychotic bouts of CRAZY, the press, pressed him, using his own words to criticize his nemesis, Obama’s handling of potential Pandemics, and as might any pitiful person, living in his own reality and delusional state, he lied about his own words and lied about the severity of this current Number One Talking Point on the list of let’s scare America.
But, even with all of that, I was most uncomfortable with long line of so-called experts on diseases, and medical procedures, and discovery of cures and vaccines, who looked like a parade of clowns, who had to stand, almost in a police lineup, silenced but starred at, and wondered where went their own personal pride, their own professional dignity, as a BUFFOON, BLUSTERRED, and BRAGGED, LIED and LINGERED, and though both his body language and horrible language skills, did nothing but look ridiculous! The only worry Trump had was the health of the Dow Jones Index, the S&P, and his Dark Money Donors dollars drying up, which meant his own financial support having caught the CORONAVIRUS!