Scientists call it the Goldilocks effect when they are investigating the Cosmos for inhabitable planets. A planet must be located close enough but far enough from the sun, it must have liquid in the form of H2O, and there are whole other important features that if all come together life may be discovered. The Democrat Candidates for President, and Tom Perez the DNC head douchebag, seem to ignore anything resembling a GOLDILOCKS affect to win both the White House and the Congress, and I have discovered, as just a writer of a BLOG, that supporters of the various and sundry Candidates want nothing to do with compromise, as I have been called a hissy queen/a bitch/a fuckwad/and ignorant asshole regarding politics…me Gerry Buncher, one man speaking out about ALL of the Candidate's missed opportunities, and cues to come together and this find a Compromise Candidate…OR whichever candidate wins the WWF battle or robot wars deemed the Democrat Primary will already be COMPROMISED, because all of the anger, vitriol, the insane and inane name calling will come back and haunt whoever wins, because whoever loses no matter what has a band of revenge seekers out to get, NOT TRUMP, but one of their own.
Honestly, the name-calling for me is badge of honor, at least people are reading my rants, so being popular does have its ups and downs…but the one attempt to drag me down which irks me, is the statement I know shit about politics and current events…OKAY…trump just fired one more member of an intelligence team because that person mentioned the Russian inference from 2016, and said it is already in place for 2020…Trump has made the Justice system a chump and has permitted the CHUM of the Mar-A-Lago crowd to run free. Moscow Mitch has hired a Russian Oligarch’s company to establish Kentucky’s voting machines. No witnesses ever appeared at the Impeach hearing, and now Trump admits that he didn’t admit, that in reality he played the game of QUID PRO QUO then and might do it now, now that he has been anointed, KING!
Yeah, I know nothing, but I do know that I could give a shit if Elizabeth called out Bloomberg for being a billionaire, if Bloomberg told Bernie they both have the same clogged arteries, if Bernie hasn’t declared himself a democrat yet, if Amy is pissed that Pete hasn’t finished the political social game of being more than a Mayor, if Bernie told Biden to stop pretending he has more delegates, and if this one is too Gay, and that one will never get the People of Color vote…I could go on, but then have a stroke…I ONLY want, for this YEAR alone, for all of the egos of ALL of the Democrat candidates to be silenced, and what I want, no matter who he or she may be is for ONE person to be the NOMINEE now, with the blessing of the other CANDIDATES, and their cultists who have already decided that if THEIR person does not win, the Democrat Primary was rigged. You know what will be rigged, all of you out there hiding in FB bully land, the ENTIRE 2020 election, by the Russians and their American Republican Oligarchs. I can’t wait to hear how awful of a person I am now!