I'm sorry, so sorry please accept my apology But love was blind And I was too blind to see.”(I’m Sorry/Doug Allbritten/Doug Self) This song sung by 15-year-old Brenda Lee from 1960 laments the love of a teenager, and adolescent on her way to adulthood, singing her truth about a very fucked up situation (in 1960, fucked up was never in a commercial song lyric, but the writers understood that no matter the plan fucked up happens. On February 4, 2020, we the American People have witnessed a fuck up in a place called Iowa a land where a doublespeak, kiss ass Senator named Joni Ernst, and a runner up to being the next Crypt Keeper of the Senate Chuck Grassley, minus any intelligence but racking in a whole lot of Farm Aid for his mega Agricultural holdings have been anointed to be Senators. A predominately land of the Caucasian Persuasion AMERICA is to pretend that the Caucus Voters in that state represent the voters of the Democrat Party. And to top that off…this year…of all years, the Iowa Caucus Committee decided that the modern age of technology would be the wham bam thank you ma’am way to tally votes. And what do you know, somehow SOME MYSTERIOUS way the artificial intelligence hickey do contraption of a computer failure. And now as if any Primary matters in the age of Trump ALL of the Democrat Candidates running for President are in a tizzy. Now, if we were not Living in Trump Land or the newly added addition of the Twilight Zone, one might think these things happen…but I have become to wise and too overly conned, and to quote Shakespearean prose, “Me thinks there is something rotten in Des Moines.
I believe, America, Iowa (which does resemble in a shape or form the demographics of the Democrat Party,) some KGB office located in one of Putin’s parlors has provided the US with a preview of the outcome of the 2020 election. Iowa, you were hacked, not to provide a winner, but to create chaos, which is even worse! Watch the candidates each swear they won the Iowa Caucus…yet who knows…Oh yeah, Putin’s goons know! As the song goes, “I’m sorry, so sorry…Iowa you have been fucked!