Okay, so follow this tidy tale of treason…Now, with no restraints to hold him back, Trump, after humiliating the GOP Senators into becoming even more apparent pawns and patsy’s, pretending that if a President breaks the law, but breaks that law because it might help him personally, to run once again for the office, is more of a Patriot then those who abide by laws…HAS now begun a purge of professional justice department do-gooders by having each and every one of them become the victim of an investigation against their proper respect for the law!
Gotta read that first paragraph three or four times, not to have your mind implode, but the simple explanation is simple but just as baffling! Trump wants to erase, the past, as did Mao Zedong/Joseph Stalin/Adolph Hitler, and any history regarding the illegalities committed with permission by Trump and McConnell, with close supervision by Roger Stone and Mike Flynn of a Russian inspired and directed attack on an American election. Trump survives on inhaling carbon dioxide, and fumes from wastewater of defunct nuclear facilities, and when the fresh air of truth becomes more common, Trump will beef up his swamp and invent enemies from good people, letting his own horde of low life believe that the problem in America is that persistent “Deep State” paranoia. Trump KNOWS full well that he is an illegitimate President, and without hacking bribery and blackmail from Vlad and his Oligarchs, Trump might actually have found his way into prison, instead of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
So now Willie, (Roy Cohn), Barr is hiring new staff to investigate, any current staff who had the audacity to the follow the law and follow the money and follow the treasonous acts committed by The Trump Crime Family and provide America with the truth that a foreign power, a number one enemy of the United States, invaded America during the 2016 election year, and planted an asset, or is it asshole, into the White House. With an acquittal in the Impeachment, the GOP Party in lockstep with a monster, and a wannabe King almost ready to take his thrown, assisted by Public Enemy Number One (move over Mitch,) Slick Willie Barr, the final stages of all perceived Trump’s enemies will be eliminated, and his soldiers of fortune will become the New American RIECHT. (Oh yeah, and tell me why we should take the high road, and why any primary in any state is of any importance right NOW!)