Trump is a STUPID man we all know that, but that is solely based on his lack of intelligence, his inability to read, his lack of attention to anything more than one sentence, and his inability due to his mental illness combined of narcist/delusion/paranoia/sociopathic tendencies. BUT the one area in which Trump becomes brilliant is the ability to scheme/the con/the snake oil/and the ability figure out the FEARS of others (based solely by his own insecurities!) Reviewing the career of Trump and his triumphant rise to power, without paying taxes, paying his bills, paying attention to common decency, let alone common norms, lying, and of course his perfect handling of being the bully and who to bully, I wondered how come and why! I still wonder, but the more this man reveals about himself, via, his Tweets, his Rally’s his FOX News PR stunts, I have noticed a VERY common pattern, and one I kind of think is truly his Achilles Heel, aka a fatal weakness. (In Homer’s Greek mythology, we discover that Thetis in trying to make her son the BE BEST, she did all she could to protect her son, but actually as she did all of this she held Achilles by his heel, and that piece of anatomy had no superpower protection. Trump’s EGO is his Achilles Heel, and if you listen close enough, especially as he demands that he and only he won the 2016 election WITHOUT ANY INTERFERENCE from Putin or Russia or the Hackers, you can sense his true FEAR of being found out that IT WAS NOT DUE to anything Trump, but DUE to the Russians.
Most recently, Trump erupted at acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and immediately fired him. WHY: A committee official told the Post the briefing concerned “election security and foreign interference in the run-up to the 2020 election,” speaking on condition of anonymity. As he often does, while drowning in his own paranoia of being found the fraud, Trump assumed, another staff person named Shelby Pierson, working for DNI Maguire, was somehow going to “spill the beans,” to only Adam Schiff, and sully an already dubious reputation and factual accounting of why Trump won in 2016. Of course on America’s woeful road to AUTHORITARIANISM, Trump had to fire a truth-teller and replace him with one of his own ass licking sycophants, just so Trump’s FEAR would not find fruition of Trump JUST being Putin’s puppet.
I mention this long-detailed story actually with a very simple lesson to be learned…a lesson which seems wasted on each and every Democrat Candidate running for President. Instead of eating each other on some really ridiculous and worse than reality, a reality show called a Debate, listen very carefully to the real FEARS Trump has expressed via every other aggressive attempt at saving face, and START EATING TRUMP regarding the things he really FEARS. Trump is a coward, who can be a bully because his enablers surround him. But Trump lingers long on any word GOOD or BAD spoken about him. Even marble crumbles when enough rain, wind, and solar power press against it, so Bernie, Amy, Elizabeth, Pete, Joe, Michael, and the rest of you STOP with the BS about one another and begin, ALL of you, using the same phrases and words like Putin/Interference/Russian Hacking/You Are not Popular every chance you get…and I am certain the cracks in Trump’s orange Tan Spray body will begin to grow and implode is brain!