October 14, 1972, ABC premiered a television a series titled The ABC After School Special anthology series. Most episodes were dramatically presented situations, often controversial, of interest to children and teenagers. The intention according to the creators was to present issues of bullying, issues of gender acceptance, issues relating to the minority population, issues of social injustice…all one might think are relevant today. And all which due to the standards of the day, found, if not a happy ending, but a happier ending, and some kind of TRUTH made apparent that we all are into this thing called OUR WORLD together. For me watching the Democrat Debates is like watching the Twilight Zone version of the ABC After School Special Anthology Series. The dialogue was harsh at times but soothing and promising in the end. After all, the lessons were being taught, which means lessons had to be learned!
As I either watch the Democrat Debates, and even more draining the Pre-Show for the debates, brought to us by Talking Heads, whose heads are up their own self-important asses, motivated by News Entertainers who never ask any question of substance, and of course, the Candidate’s Surrogates, who offer so much fluff and lint that one might either find an inhaler to breathe or a better washing machine, all that goes through my mind is the ABC After School Special Gone Bad. All I hear is…” your candidate is not a real Democrat…your candidate is afraid to show us health records…your candidate just bilioniared his way into the race…your candidate is too much of a socialist…your candidate cannot relate to people of color…your candidate is too Gay…your candidate has been around too long and is now irrelevant…your candidate is just a part of the wallpaper…your candidate needs more uncontrolled time in the Congress despite the need for Term Limits…your candidate has to wait for his or her turn…
All I hear on the Republican side is our candidate can do no wrong because perceived wrong is his duty to perform because he is the president…our candidate is a businessman and businessmen get the job done, not with ethics, or morals or values, but the grit of greed and quid pro quo, which makes him a true American Capitalist and not one of those mamby/pamby socialists homosexuals. Our candidate is bringing Jesus back into the Constitution where the Founding Fathers really, really meant him to be. An Afternoon Special whose theme has nothing to with consensus, but a real direct attempt to confuse, and create a divide.
If the theme running up to the 2020 Presidential Election is to find common ground, and a way forward, and all of the characters' only rewarding traits are to cut one another down all I see is Four more years of Trump, and after that a lifetime of Trump. I love to debate, when the political climate and justice are on the same par as graft, greed, blackmail, and bribery…But this year it ain’t so. Yet the DNC is still living in a pretend world as if any lessons taught to us by the 2016 DEBACLE were so yesterday, and so irrelevant and useless for 2020. OMG!