The invasion which culminated on Wednesday, February 5, 2020, was a cunning masterpiece, a new school version of the old school Trojan Horse. Unbeknownst to many of the actual average American, the invasion began to take root when Moscow Mitch decided that Obama’s weakness was honesty and country, so Moscow Mitch threatened that he would accuse Obama of rigging and already pre-rigged election in 2016, by not pursuing with greater strength the denial of a Supreme Court Justice. It was a walk in the park after that. Obama backed down, Moscow Mitch was paid by his Capitalistic Communist Oligarchs, and the invasion continued.
The invasion came about as Putin selected his Manchurian Candidate, the dumbest, most narcissistic most prone to blackmail and greedy son of a bitch ever and made Trump his patsy. Knowing that Moscow Mitch was way too Snake Oil to put aside, Putin made certain Mitch and his wife Elaine got paid enough to wage a domestic war, of course with the aid of the 1 percent Donor Dark Money Class. The Dark Money Donors and the Evangelical Christian American Taliban used a panzer type of attack, and wham bam every single Republican politician became an enabler, or they faced a Mafia-style execution. Putin promised no radioactive fallout but never spoke loudly about the dust and debris from a collapsed democracy. Greed triumphed, and gluttony flourished and once Trump placed his hand on a Bible, made of pure iron so it would go up in flames, the invasion was in place.
Now, on this day, like the GOP, pretended that Trump is above the Law and a King, and as Justice Roberts made certain he too, drank from the chalice of Putin, checks and balances died, and the future of America has been waylaid! The invasion has been accomplished. The next war is the Second American Civil War. A class war, a type of war fought by “Good Nazi’s/Klansmen/Wealthy Jewish Donors/Christian Doors and of course the Log Cabin Republicans/ FOX Russian Asset entertainers/ and the dumbest of shits the American population can garner…against everyone else…and as an aside which IS just as important…a mini Civil War will take place as the Democrats eat themselves cannibalize what is left of democracy, and fight a bitter war amongst themselves because of their own ego’s and not the needs of the American public hanging on one thread of hope!