HEY, Joe, Bernie, Pete, Amy, Elizabeth and whoever else you are that wants to become the Democrat nominee for President, who the FUCK gives a shit about the tally from Iowa, or your pretentious appearance on the New Hampshire Stage tonight… Who the FUCK cares about large donors, no donors, grassroots, my ego is better than your ego…For God’s sake or whatever it is you believe in…today, February 7, 2020, Trump began his official title as Dictator, and his Enemy List took a life of its own!
A Purple Heart recipient, an Ambassador who spoke the truth were fired. Col. Vindman brother was fired, you know like the Nazi’s acted…they first shot the Jew, or the perceived enemy and then went after the rest of the family! And now we get to see the Income Taxes of Hunter Biden, a political opponent's family member…and all of YOU, Joe, Bernie, Pete, Amy, Elizabeth are performing a Shakespearean debate in a state that God only knows does not matter in the scheme of things…Our Country, THIS nation has been the victim of a rape, by Trump and all of you ALL of you are more concerned with annihilating one another as Trump corrupts and consumes all of our remaining democracy. GET IT TOGETHER, Trump IS the enemy, not your Presidential wannabe candidates. Let me HEAR ALL of you say, WE must UNITE and fight this evil…or ALL of you are useless idiots. End of Story, PERIOD!