“Terror is the desire to save your own ass, but horror is rooted in sympathy.” -Joe Hill/ “No one save us but ourselves. Because in today’s world everyone has to be best in covering up their own ass.”/Kartik Thever
Whether or not the CORONAVIRUS is to become a Pandemic, an Epidemic, Endemic of our Times, or simply one more foreshadowing of the doom mankind seems to seek, rather then the prospects of promise, we are witness to behaviors which only prove to be the one human quality most people of power relish, and will never relinquish, the Saving of One’s Ass. The ONE as in that person’s own, and not the plural of ass saving for others! Never do unto others as you wish they would do unto you until you have completed the selfish expression of receiving and never giving! Capitalism is a fine and dandy tool and has in its inception wanted to actually prove you can have self-worth and receive worth for the work and effort you provided with your blood, sweat, and tears. Capitalism like most inventions has morphed into the changing needs of the culture which indeed invented it. Now, a new word for a new world order seems more relevant and that word is Plutocracy/ government by the wealthy/ a country or society governed by the wealthy/ an elite or ruling class of people whose power derives from their wealth. Just ask both Donald J. Trump the current hacked into office domestic terrorist president and his sidekick, Alex Azar, a one-time CEO of a for-profit Drug Company, and an ex-Pharmaceutical LOBBYIST, now the Secretary of Health and Human Services. It seems both swamp creatures, (nope, sorry MAGA/KKK/Good Nazi’s/FOX Viewers…there was never a swamp to drain, just a new one to be built and filled creatures toxic and vile.)
Be it Ebola, be it SARS Virus Be it Zika Virus, or maybe that really old ditty the Black Death, microbes, bacteria and other alien biological bodies (nope not the aliens for whom we built a really expensive mile or two shoddy wall, not the kind shot down in Area 54,) could give a shit about the way of life on Earth. For all of those creepy critters, there is no past, no present, and certainly for its victims no future. But nonetheless, they are a part of the history of humankind (kind not meaning nice but a type, now-days!) In history, when a strange disease began to claim the lives, at first of discardable homosexuals HIV/AIDS, few people in power gave a shit. They wanted to save their asses, so by becoming self-righteous religious bigots, they blamed this virus on the Devil Made Him Do It pretend fact and looked the other way. Then, a community truly of man and womankind (kind as in I do give a fuck about you!) created something called ACT UP, and a slogan which read SILENCE = DEATH! I am just wondering when those who are still alive and who were but rookies in the business of health and welfare, and now BIG SHOTS in their field, I AM WAITING for them to say, “YA KNOW, WE HAVE SOME HISTORY HERE!” Whose ass do you want to save or not save, Donald J. Trump/Mike Pence/Alex Azar, Dr. Anthony Fauchi and friends?