“Religion is excellent stuff for keeping the common people quiet.” (Napoleon Bonaparte)
Dear Jesus, I am writing you this note as one Jew to another, and as a Gay man (me not you), two strikes out if you live in America in 2020. I am also writing you this note, on behalf of People of Color,( of which your Middle Eastern heritage would signify) Women, perhaps like your friend Mary Magdalen, who believed that their body, their right, and for Immigrants, as was your Mother Mary, and your stepdad Joseph.
It seems NOW, in America, Jesus, mentioning your name in terms of believing that you are the Son of God, is now a liberal plot to accuse Trump and his Crime Family, of being the really, really, REALLY bad guys, they ARE, but which their cult-like minions pretend is not a THING! Recently the Trumpster’s similar to Dumpsters if you are caught up on the basic facts of urban living in America (a place for garbage/crap and useless rotted thinking,) are personally offended that imagining that YOU would not be pleased with Trumps MALICIOUS behavior is appalling!
Napoleon Bonaparte was never a good man, his tendencies to rule the world, and make him the Emperor of the World, caused great suffering for the rest of the world, and his sick “little ego,” defined a very dangerous and delusional mental illness (all of this similar to this idiot named Trump and his ravenous rotted Republican Enablers) But I now believe that religion has become a man-made weapon to uncover scapegoats, but not to identify and collect those of pure intent, and goodness. So, now Jesus, when a person, a politician, a plebeian (you know, a term used in the days of Roman Domination,) has the audacity to use your GLORY as something Trump lacks, she or he is now itemized as nothing more than the Devil’s disciple, you know, like the Jew/the Strong Female/the Immigrant/the Person of Color/the LGBTQ/and the Poor. How does it feel, Jesus, to be a part of the demographic, the most unintelligent agents of evil have decided are the Demons in America!