Maybe it’s just the wording that is all wrong with the statistics when we record those infected, LET ALONE those who have succumbed from the CORONAVIRUS/Trump Re-Election Denial Pandemic. Maybe, we are not explaining the deaths correctly to those in the EVANGELICAL TRUMP CHRISTIAN MAGA CULT, because it seems these arrogant self-proclaimed Pro-Lifers are always demanding that their Jesus truly cares about the FETUS, not much else after that so it seems, except his supposed disgust for the LGBTQ community/Immigrants/and Black Lives…so MAYBE it’s time, to redefine the statistics not as how many Americans have died due to Trump’s pre-meditated murder intentions, but HOW MANY ONCE UPON A TIME FETUSES HAVE DIED!
And while we are replacing the words Human Beings, let go further, and explain to those Good Nazi/Confederate Flag Waving/EVANGELICALS and suddenly now the very ULTRA ORTHODOX CATHOLICS, that the kids held in Concentration Camps are not just brown skin kids, BUT BROWN SKINNED FETUSES! And then add that the ICE no Board Certified Doctor known as the Uterus Death Doctor, is not providing unauthorized hysterectomies on Latina Women, but Doctor Kill the Uterus is actually killing the eggs, which will form into zygotes which eventually will become a FETUS!
And for all of those who herald the possibility of an Ultra Conservative Christian Justice, being named so he or most likely she can join the other ACTIVIST CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE JUSTICES in overturning the AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE ACT, remind them that, once again, it will be THOSE ONCE UPON A TIME FETUSES who will no longer remain healthy or afford to see a doctor or die of pre-existing conditions, and who actually might not be able to provide their own FETUSES with appropriate health care or food. Maybe it is in the wording, because it certainly IS not in the belief system of Jesus, that these zealots and Crusaders behave. So, to save HUMAN LIVES, let’s just refer to all of them and us as ONCE UPON A TIME FETUSES!