Dark Shadows is an American gothic soap opera that originally aired weekdays on the ABC television network, from June 27, 1966, to April 2, 1971. The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place………… In an extensive on-camera interview with Fox News host Laura Ingraham on Monday night, Trump was asked who is pulling Biden's strings. "People that you've never heard of, people that are in the dark shadows," Trump said. "People that you haven't heard of. They're people that are on the streets, they're people that are controlling the streets," Trump said.
Men In Black Part III They are the best-kept secret in the universe. Working for a highly funded yet unofficial government agency, Kay (Tommy Lee Jones) and Jay (Will Smith) are the Men in Black, providers of immigration services and regulators of all things alien on Earth. While investigating a series of unregistered close encounters, the MIB agents uncover the deadly plot of an intergalactic terrorist who is on a mission to assassinate two ambassadors from opposing galaxies currently in residence in New York City………… The president then suggested, without citing any evidence, that there was an organized plot against the Republican National Convention last week, claiming that someone boarded a plane "from a certain city" and it was "almost completely loaded with thugs wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms with gear and this and that, they are on a plane." "I'll tell you sometime, but it's under investigation right now," he continued. "But they came from a certain city and this person was coming to the Republican National Convention. And there were like seven people in the plane like this person and then a lot of people were in the plane to do big damage."
Suffering from the degree of Narcissism and the depths of a SICK, deranged non-self-aware sociopath, once again must project his intentions on others, and must share with the world the truths he understands; all at first he thinks to undermine an enemy, but in fact, just a demonstration for his own ego, how really sinister he can get and the things he can get away with. People we never heard of are the same Bounty Hunters Putin used in Afghanistan to murder our Troops, The Dark Shadows are the Militia, known as either Good Boys, Good Nazi’s or the Evangelical Christian Crusaders waiting impatiently NOW to create chaos and crisis. Trump's cadre of invisible yet lethal shadow people are the armies of the Russian Bots and perhaps the Saudi’s (Kushner’s best friends) who are spewing propaganda dressed as Americans but indeed only alien life forms, not of this democracy. Trump cannot hold himself back when he knows how the dirty bombs will be used and when they will be deployed. He thinks none of us, understands how he projects his pride in these plots to make America a DYSTOPIAN AUTHORITARIAN NATION!