Boris and Natasha (The scheming villains in most episodes were the fiendish spies Boris Badenov (a pun on Boris Godunov) and Natasha Fatale (a pun on femme fatale), forever attempting to "catch Moose and Squirrel".) So as I write this my apologies go to Jay Ward, Alex Anderson, and Bill Scott, who created ‘The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show,’ and thus these two cartoon icons! But today I happened to catch of a glimpse, of the real-life Boris, (DONALD, taller, but if he actually did finally fall over and the truss holding him in place just snapped he would actually assume a position round and rounder like BORIS BADENOV…I also used to think, the last name translated into BAD-ENOUGH…walking outside of the DARK HOUSE, with his own Natasha, Melonie, err, I mean Melania…I had the same oopsie moment Trump had when he forgot this wife’s first name…(she got’s herself an American desperate man bemoaning his masculinity, husband, Melanija Knavs; Germanized as Melania Knauss; April 26, 1970) is a Slovenian-American former model and businesswoman. Germanized, what an interesting description used by Wikipedia, and the term businesswoman, as in the business of making menz photo her in just enough clothing to fall in love and think of her as some fatal…I used to think the word Fatale meant fatal!...
Both Donnie and Melanie (I like that moniker, it makes her more American (you know like MAGA American), both, wearing masks (because getting too close to a person who has passed away, lying inside a coffin is a way to get COVID, but holding MASS RALLY’S is not even a close call) appeared outside the portico of the Dark House (high enough, away from the mourners below, because as Trump understands you can pretend that building fences around things keeps people out, (like the MEXICO NEVER PAID FOIR IT FENCE AND NOW THE BARRICADE AROUND THE DARK HOUSE.) (JUST TO ADD TO MY SYNICISM, I really believed the masks were used to hide the smiling faces and laugher and Trumps moving his lips has he does most likely when he reads, saying the words “I Gotcha, Bitch,”…for her behalf, Melanie was muttering in one of her only truest languages, that she speaks in a full sentence, Slovenian, was dreaming about her green coat, her disaster go to wardrobe, and was saying I don’t care, which is VSEENO MI JE!
Oh yeah, both BORIS AND NATASHA, were greeted by the throngs of real mourners, not only for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg but those who are sitting SHIVA, for the death of WOMEN’S RIGHTS/LGBTQ RIGHTS/CLEAN AIR/IMMIGRANTS/BLACK LIVES MATTER! Jews do not actually believe in Heaven of Hell, but I am relieved to know that the body lying in that coffin was just flesh and bones, and Justice Ginsberg, wherever her soul and conscience have enjoined themselves never even noticed these two specks of feces on the shoes of America!