Thursday, September 17, 2020

sent in those clowns

 Don't you love farce?

My fault, I fear
I thought that you'd want what I want
Sorry, my dear!
But where are the clowns
Send in the clowns
Don't bother, they're here (Send In The Clowns/Stephen Sondheim)


This summer I have been working a part-time job which miraculously is really a full-time job! At the age of 70, I am somehow not as attuned to the 40-hour grind, as I was in my youth.  Nothing wrong working a full-time job, and most likely I would have remained at one of my original gigs till now, but a South African male, who became a citizen of this nation, (still full of his South African Apartheid influenza of a philosophy) still concerned about his probable lack of machismo, decided that I was not the right image (a homosexual) for a leader and had me removed from my position. (He had money, lots of it…so of course without question he had the power) Had I had the guts then as I do now, I would have sued his ass off, but instead, I received almost two years severance pay. I soured over this exploitation in my life then, and until a year or so ago, with the assistance of my husband and family have tried to forget, but not forgiven this incident. I am only sharing this now, because, HERE in 2020, I find myself living in a world where the lack of MACHISMO, on behalf of the so-called President, seems alarmingly similar to my dismissal. And, as was the case, in my case, the bad guy won, or should I say many who I once thought of as good people, succumbed to the ill intention and self-hatred of a man who thought that a homosexual (fill in your demographic it remains the same insecurity,) would make HIM less masculine, and less powerful. It was hush, hush, and don’t look me in the eye, but, whatever you need to find another position we are there for you, but in reality it was GUILT on good people’s part, thinking the means justified the end.


Trump IS a disaster, a man so concerned with his own insecurities, he would and will and does do anything he can to select an enemy, pay vengeance on that purported enemy, and drags along with him enough folk, who think that MONEY, and PROFIT, equals something called AUTHORITY, which somehow demands YOU be attentive and behave! It happened to me, a long time ago, and today, on my day off, watching just enough, but too much TV, I witnessed a BULLY, and his lackey's attempt to fire the entire Constitution, and replace it with a fantasy that by denying other’s freedom, insisting by doing so, they actually are MEN or WOMEN, of superiority! I love my days off, but today, it caused a reflex, and a gut check, and NOW I better understand, why I CANNOT remain SILENT, as this nation is getting FUCKED OVER, as once happened to me!