Americans are, in other words, getting angrier by the day. Unfortunately, the factors that are causing us so much emotional turmoil aren't going away any time soon. So instead of trying to bury or ignore our emotions, we need to start being a lot more honest about our rage and where it comes from. (Think/opinion, analysis, essays)
Almost 2 million acres of scorched earth in California from wildfires now affecting Oregon and Washington states. The rush to create vaccines, a plan by the Trump nonscientists to prod real scientists to ignore science, has resulted in some very serious setbacks with results demonstrating severe side-effects. Now the DOJ has officially become Trump's personal law firm, insisting that they handle the accusations of rape by E. Jean Carroll in the 1990s. The GOP under the billionaire leadership of Mitch McConnell has a tepid response to a stimulus package as millions now unemployed, are beginning to lose their housing, money for food, and ability to seek medical assistance.
Trump has already stated the November elections are compromised and invalid pretending he knows that the Dems have sent out millions of ballots, all the while he and his soon to be thrown under the bus Postmaster General deposit stamped mail and mailboxes and postal equipment in warehouses, dumps, or hidden places on Earth no one dares set foot in. Trump is set to hold rallies in Michigan where they finally got their COVID infections at a reliable rate, but Trumps rallies will be sans social distancing and masks…and the spoiled college students, thinking the world is there’s without any hesitation are partying likes it's 1999, and bringing home a bunch of new virus friends called COVID!
Oh, and did you hear the one about school starting but no plans in place as to how to keep the kids and faculty safe. And the other one, about vote as many times as you want, as long as you are voting for Trump! And in case you forgot, there are still thousands of kids either in Concentration Camps, separated from their families, police still have no idea why shooting black men and women in the back or handcuffing them and shooting, is a bad thing, Trump still thinks dead Troops were stupid people, first for serving in battle and then getting killed, and he is considered a Patriot by the MAGA, and oh yeah how about as of today in the USA 6.3 million cases and 190 thousand deaths from COVID-19, and Trump thinks it will go away the day before the 2020 election.
Americans are, in other words, getting angrier by the day. UH-HUH!