Friday, September 18, 2020

Rosh Hashanah

 “Source of blessing, Eternal our God,

You fill the universe with majestic might —
giving us life, upholding the life within us,
and bringing us to this time.”


I am, a believer in a God, I am not certain of HIS or HER, or THEIR reason or rationale, as to the purpose of letting life begin, or why life must end. I wish I had the capacity to comprehend why there must be Evil and exactly when Good happens, why it cannot remain. I have been both traumatized by traditions and have thrived by the joy of celebrating a ritual my ancestors might have once enjoyed. I fear not, the existence of a God, but find it fearsome that a Higher Power might not provide a forever after, because sometimes forever now, seems weighty and woeful, and perhaps, the purpose of NOW, can only be understood with hindsight!


The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, the year of 5780, begins at sunset on Friday, September 18th. The memories of my past will delight and demand attention. Lessons I learned may be on the exam, as I purposefully become introspective, and “trick questions,” might suddenly emerge, and my abilities to collect from my past will be required. I will consider, the idea that a new Book of Life is to be opened, and opine, about the one being closed. In this current Gregorian Calendar year of 2020, too much has transpired, and I have not been able to delineate my SELF, from the COLLECTIVE WE, and this is where my head and heart shall be for the Jewish New Year.  To those for whom this time in the universe is of priority, I share my love!