Thursday, November 12, 2020

72 Million

 To the 72 Million American Voters who decided that whatever kind of poison, Trump spewed, made more sense than life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, to all of you who decided that less taxes (especially for the ultra-wealthy and Corporations) was going to make you richer, that no need for any regulations because a dirty environment, will keep you working NOW, but the next generation of your family will become sick…To the 72 Million Americans Voters, who, when a complete avoidance of the facts of science and medicine, were more important because the pure Evil and fiction of Racism, Bigotry, and Bias were the prescription to keep you healthy, so you ignored Mother Nature’s fury as either a hoax or a partisan planned plot to defeat Trump, and scoffed that any attempt to keep ALL of us healthy was pure SOCIALISM…To all of you 72 Million American Voters have any of you wondered what the fuck just happened on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, when 148,302 new cases of COVID, attacked this nation, and as that happened, all your candidate, the guy you voted for, spent his time having a hissy fit, and defying democracy, ignoring any norms to keep OUR government from imploding, and NOT mentioning one word about the suffering/and dying and deaths of the CORONAVIRUS!


We know Trump is void of shame or conscience, intelligence, empathy, education, and understanding, we know that all that HAS ever BEEN and IS of importance to TRUMP is TRUMP, and now the Pandemic, the DISEASE, your candidate, the one you thought should have four more years, is giving no shits! He may have had the disease (questionable), his family may have had the disease, his best friends may have had the disease, BUT all of them have an are receiving the SUPER-DUPER SCIENTIFIC AND MEDICAL CARE, Trump declared as nothing to see here, bull shit! To the 72 Million American Voters, What The Fuck!