This morning, Joe and I actually spent about half an hour laughing. YES, laughing, having fun, me not being dour, he not concerned how emotional I am handling the entire fiasco which has been and still IS Trump. It was silliness that created the brevity, stuff that usually happened all the time between us, until, I, like so many other humans, realized the inhumane actions and intentionally harmful predictions of Trump and all of his Domestic Terrorists enabling and enhancing this despot! And my poor husband, worried as I, but managing to try and find some sliver of a silver lining, became as consumed with the calamities of the crimes and cons, and more so, how I was evolving into a sullen, wallowing hole, of thinking EVIL has triumphed! We laughed, and finally, realizing how happy we seemed at that moment, hugged, kissed, and Joe said to me, “remember when this was normal!”
I share this personal tidbit, because I am certain in households, partnerships, marriages, roommates, and any other kind of defined relationships, the dread of doom, has become as thick as the saying “the fog of war!” It is a circumstance, right in front of our eyes, yet seeing it, is so very difficult! None of us asked to be belittled, beaten, bullied, betrayed, bewildered, but those of us, who were raised on empathy, facts, love, consideration, caring, have become the enemy. A projected, enemy by insecure, emasculated, immature, idiots, pretending that somehow Jesus and Washington won the revolution, slavery was a smart capitalistic machination, Nazi’s represent the qualities of this nation’s future, just placing your hand over your heart wearing a red cap as the flag is raised, is indeed enough Patriotism, AND, swearing allegiance to anyone who tells your truth, not the actual factual truth, is enough to make your hate and fears viable and relevant!
I was elated with the Biden/Harris victory, and I did permit a sense of relief to penetrate, long enough to let laughter re-enter my psyche. But, look around all of us who danced in the streets, as the new cliché goes, we have indeed released the Kraken, and this Orange Monster, who always wanted to name prisoners, wants to take them and destroy them! I want the spontaneity to return in my life, my life with Joe, but the days and weeks and months ahead, still require the strength and motivation to STOP Trump and his minions from even more unfathomable destructive behaviors which will only destroy democracy!