Sunday, November 8, 2020


 NOISE: a sound, especially one that is loud or unpleasant or that causes disturbance. Irregular fluctuations that accompany a transmitted electrical signal but are not part of it and tend to obscure it. NEWS: newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events. Information not previously known to someone. MEDIA BULL SHIT: We ask leading questions. We ask limiting questions. We ask questions that assume a certain answer. 


It was so wonderful, said Joe, my husband, bluntly, to me, (as we were watching the Biden/Harris Super Spreader Events in almost any civilized and intelligence riddled urban area in the U.S.), to have read a really positive blog I had written on  Saturday, November 7, 2020, ‘Defying Gravity!’ He added, seeing me feel less oppressed and worried was, for him a sight for loving eyes. And Joe was correct, because, for that moment in my history, I actually witnessed Good, triumph over Evil, even, (albeit for a fleeting nanosecond in the cosmos of time,) but breathing began again, and the intensity of the gravity of selfish, self-serving, insecure was lessened! I permitted myself to not let the urge NOT to worry, surround me, or was IT, smother me.


Never one to trust Trump or McConnell, or the minions of MAGA maggots, and GOP Goonies, Evangelical End Timers, or the Good Nazi’s, I understood, that basking in a glow of mirrors, as in smoke and mirrors, was okay, (languishing in the sunlight of transparency, was not at all ready for Prime-Time Players, yet!) I could and should have celebrated the actions and actual emotions of people who cared about Democracy, and reluctantly let go of the paranoia of knowing that so far fact has not mattered and only falsehoods have held tight! But even though it was the Media who proclaimed Biden/Harris the victors, I too felt the foot of the oppressor lifted, and I breathed, and as I said inhaled and exhaled, and actually did it again and again!


And then today, even beginning with the NEWS of last night, which suddenly became the NOISE of today, and turned into MEIDA BULL SHIT, all that the Talking Heads seems fixated on, two questions for which we all know the answer, and I am so tired of hearing: The first will Trump concede (DUH), and the other, even more, upsetting to me, will we now see less partisanship in the past. Questions of course silly and time-consuming, and answers which already seem obvious. TRUMP WAS PLAYING GOLF, Trump now has at least 12 legal actions, Jared Kushner is telling Trump to fight on…and then so far, if you want to count any GOP politicians who have almost congratulated Biden/Harris, say Mittens Romney/ W. Bush/ and the ever-guilty creature who has gotten away with his own politician vengeance, Chris Christie!  


Oh and by the way, today, America broke yet another record, under Trump’s Administration, as we pretend to ponder What Will Trump Do…132,700 new cases were posted in the US/1000 new deaths in the US added to the total of 238,000 deaths, and the wham bam thank you Trump/Pence total of 10 million cases in the US. NEWS/NOISE AND MEDIA BULL SHIT  what a toxic combo of stupid!