Melancholy can have causes that aren't due to underlying disease. Examples include seeing a sad movie, loss of a loved one or object, or a good thing coming to an end. People love to live in the moment: that can be good sometimes, but don't be caught up in the moment so much that you forget that you're creating a memory. Moments are in the present, but memories last forever. Make them good ones, and you just might change someone's life. In physics, motion is the phenomenon in which an object changes its position over time. Motion is mathematically described in terms of displacement, distance, velocity, acceleration, speed, and time. Mood, a distinctive emotional quality or character: The mood of the music was almost funereal. a prevailing emotional tone or general attitude: the country's mood. a frame of mind disposed or receptive, as to some activity or thing: I'm not in the mood to see a movie. Meandering, to proceed by or take a winding or indirect course: The stream meandered through the valley. to wander aimlessly; ramble: The talk meandered on. Maddening, adjective. driving to madness or frenzy: a maddening thirst. infuriating or exasperating: his maddening indifference to my pleas. raging; furious: a maddening wind. Machination, a scheming or crafty action or artful design intended to accomplish some usually evil end backstage machinations (All definitions vis Wikipedia/all nouns and adjectives selected by Gerry Buncher)
I was up way too early, sleep it seemed requested a break for the night, and was replaced with a perseverance or was it a persistence of rejecting rest as a priority, replacing it with concern, consternation, and perceived complexities of the world in which I found myself living! Too often, have I obsessed about the daily demons, when all I wished for or wanted or waited for, was life to return to doldrums’, instead of delusions and dismal despair. My mind racing took hold of a restful calm, and somehow I needed to get out from under the comfort of a slumber snug and secure, and awaken to wonder, what, why, and how… And as I arose, to a grey Thanksgiving Day, finding more leaves on the ground than the trees from which they once blossomed, and a rafter of turkeys strutting across our front yard, drizzle selectively collecting in random puddles, I inhaled, exhaled with a little more force and a sense of melancholy, for the moment, meandered as memories made inroads in my mind, mostly filled with maddening machinations, defining my mood.
I remember when, I said to no one but myself…I am thankful, FOR, I was loved and am loved, I had experienced 71 years of drama, trauma, turmoil, tenderness, truth, lies, fiction, fact, foibles, fables, fear, and hope, and throughout managed to hang on, hone in and hold up. Nothing, though, I then thought, once again with a deep inhale, NOTHING, LIKE NOW, has ever happened to me, BEFORE, and then finally exhaling so forcefully that my lungs actually hurt, but as the last bit of oxygen escaped into the air, I whispered, I AM STILL HERE! This Thanksgiving is not like any other, but nonetheless, it IS HERE, and it is NOW. To those who desire, give thanks, and be thankful, to those who are deterred, try to begin again, and to those who dream, believe that something called tomorrow will begin in ten, nine, eight seven, six, five…