Where have all the graveyards gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Covered with flowers every one
When will we ever learn?
When will we ever learn? (Where Have All The Flowers Gone/Pete Seeger)
On Thursday, November 12, 2020, 1000 Americans died from the conditions of COVID-19. The total of American deaths is 245,058. The priority it seems, for the current administration, has been not the totals of new deaths from Thursday, nor the total cases since trump announced this HOAX would disappear, but to decertify a democratically conducted (albeit filtered with the most roadblocks by Republicans) election.
As I write this blog, Trump is reading from a script, trying to somehow to take credit for understanding anything about CORONAVIRUS and lying more and more about how he thinks HE and HIS administration have done anything BUT resist fighting it. When he is not reading from the script he has begun to call out New York State, stating made up facts, using words like better, better the most, and claiming that no other administration could have done so much so fast and so well! Now HE is using words like tremendously, and historic.
Now, once again, Trump is telling us that the numbers will go down, he referred to the “Chinese Virus!” And now he has decided to be more chipper about the health of the Stock Market and is explaining that lockdowns cost lives. Hardly moving his lips as he speaks, when he reads from his script, one might want to throw a pie in his face. Rapid Speed, folks, it is called Rapid Speed, and as this rapid speed thingie, is supposedly rushing past us, as more and more are dying, there are still MAGA Governors who refuse to enact a mandatory mask-wearing or social distance, and hospital ICU’s are at breaking points, and soon not able to accommodate any new patients. Oh yeah, HE then made a few comments about Seniors and their Golden Years! I am a Senior (fuck, when did that actually happen) and Trump and the Republicans have tried their darndest to make my life more like mold and mildew! And finally, one has to wonder if all of his hair colorists have been infected by COVID, because today, Trump's hair color was white, and there was basically little orange tanning spray on his face. And, the one more thing I will say about Trump is, when he is told to be more empathetic, display empathy he seems to quiver and shake, almost as if he just had a series of grand maul seizures!