“Tell them how I am defying gravity
I'm flying high, defying gravity
And soon I'll match them in renown
And nobody in all of Oz
No wizard that there is or was
Is ever gonna bring me down!” (Defying Gravity/Stephen Schwartz)
Like millions, 74 plus to be exact, I can breathe again, I can inhale, exhale and make my next breath as invigorating and inviting as the capacity that my lungs can manage, because this time, my GUT is not inflamed and causing me to feel as if I am smothering! This will be notable as the first of many days in which the future actually seems to cause the ping of hope, the pang of promise, and the pitter-pat of change, for the better!
Of course, we know that the disease of Trump, the stench of Trump, and the cult of Trump will remain, as does a virus if you do not take the prescribed dosage of antibiotics to eliminate the rot and ruin, and to be naïve is like most of the MAGA who think science/masks/social distancing are just a plot, and you end up shooting yourself in the foot or ending up in an ICU! But today, this most important day in OUR COLLECTIVE HISTORY, we have DEFIED GRAVITY, and have actually stopped the Black Hole (Orange in this case,) from consuming humanity!
And as I write THIS BLOG, on Saturday, November 7, 2020, I will set my wings in motion, I will look at the night sky, and I will BELIEVE, that evil, was not permitted to reign supreme, for now!