“But if you want to know
How I really feel
Get the cameras rolling
Get the action going
Baby you know my love for you is real
Take me where you want to
Then my heart you'll steal
More, more, more
How do you like it, how do you like it
More, more, more
How do you like it, how do you like it
More, more, more
How do you like it, how do you like it” (More, More, More/Gregg Diamond)
We know, those of us with intelligence, and a will to survive, that if you have fire surrounding you, you do not add more logs or combustible materials to the environment, instead INDEED you find the proper chemistry to extinguish the flames, so there is more of a chance the fire dies, and you live! We know, those of us with intelligence and a will to survive that never in any crowded theater, or dining room, or banquet hall with anywhere from 100 to 1000 people, should you shout FIRE, because the ensuing tsunami of crazed people will trample one another, and most likely you, also, to try and escape, to live and not die! We know, those of us with intelligence and a will to survive an awful lot of tricks of the trade to make it to one more day, but somehow, when it comes to the menace to society identified as TRUMP and or HIS SWAMP CREATURES/CIRCUS FREAKS/CIRCLE OF FIENDS, we become blabbering idiots and permit TRUMP and COMPANY to practically get away with murder (and if you actually look at the statistics regarding TRUMP and PENCES’s abuse and mishandling of the CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC, it does, at least for me amount to at least PRE-MEDITATED MURDER)
YEAH, if only the recent bad hair dye drip of black ink falling on the crypt-like features of Rudy, had been an SNL parody, it would have seemed funny! YEAH, if the number of TWEETS coming from within the White House at all times of day, was only a Stand-Up Comic’s roadshow routine, they might sound laughable. If only the actual commitment of treasonous acts by this President and his Enablers were lessons to be taught in college as to HOW TO DESTROY DEMOCRACY, they might be reasonable to memorize, but mostly quite boring with an added as if that could or would happen…EVER!
It is a desperate cavalcade by disparate and deprived men and women, holding out so they will not be held accountable or face the consequences of actions permitted to have found fruition, with nary a no you cannot ever in sight…There is NO WE in any of the transgressions but always a ME, ME, ME, as in I am Donald Trump and I will not go peacefully, and YOU will suffer before I DO! I too have fallen prey to this side-show huckster and his bevy of maleficent monsters, I have given them oxygen to linger longer, by constantly criticizing them, but MAYBE it is time to put all the fires out and JUST stop reporting on ANY of their anarchy-oriented machinations from be they from TRUMP to RUDY to MAGA and to FOX. We know, those of us with intelligence and the will to survive, that Trump basks on the MORE, MORE, MORE, perhaps it’s time we just give he and his henchmen and women LESS, LESS, LESS