According to, “Cancel culture refers to the popular practice of withdrawing support for (canceling) public figures and companies after they have done or said something considered objectionable or offensive. [It's] generally discussed as being performed on social media in the form of group shaming.”
Urban Dictionary defines canceling as "to dismiss something or somebody" and "to reject an individual or idea." And when people use the term unironically, it reveals a big problem with our culture. ... Cancel culture as it currently exists doesn't give people a chance to learn from or apologize for their wrongdoings.
Cancel culture has been incredibly effective at combating sexism, racism, or any other type of abuse or harmful wrongdoing to others.
I must admit, when I started my Communal Worker Profession, I was a Youth Supervisor, and way back in the Pre-Historic Era, I understood, the terms, social contracts, aspirations, way forward, and demands of junior high and senior high kids. Being a teen myself in the turbulent 60’s I also experienced the very origins of honest, sincere, and relevant movements including Women’s Rights/Gay Rights/Voting Rights/and the Rights for People of Color. Those demographics were a part of a redefinition of a new acceptance and change in the American patchwork called culture. And way back WHEN…the mainstream (as I thought it to be, but in reality, it was the status quo believers who feared that their top-heavy hold on the world would diminish), HATED any culture that tried to demonstrate their place in the world. So, as I remember Cancel Culture DID exist, way before social media platforms, and the mainstream IN EARNEST, did their darndest to eliminate, remove and reject, anyone who WAS NOT THEM. And so it seems, the almost SAME group of scavengers, the White, Nationalism Christian, most part Male, Republican Party, and Evangelicals are crying foul, because Again For the Second Time, more people are demanding, the exact same rights, as FEW people have always considered to be ONLY THEIR RIGHTS!