“Slap-stick comedy is really funny unless you're the one getting slapped with the stick.”-Carroll Bryant
“Some people looove to feel offended because it makes them feel important. When your only tool is a hammer, suddenly every problem starts to look like a nail. And when the only time you feel relevant is when you claim to be offended, suddenly everything looks offensive.” -Oliver Markus Malloy
“Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.” -Frederick Douglass
The fat man didn’t sing, I suppose, instead, he clamored and claimed fraud, knowing his fraught of facts and feckless failures were an elixir for his enablers and entrail lickers! So, the old cliché of things not being over till the fat lady sang (or man, in this case) does hold true, and thus chaos, confusion, contempt, and Communist Russian Putin’s ASS-ET remains Public Enemy Number One. ‘We The People’, who, I suppose, had never truly embraced Racism/Anti-Semitism/Misogyny/Xenophobia/ White Supremacy or White Christian Nationalism were caught totally unprepared for the avalanche of Fascist Loving/Authoritarian Embracing/Coup Co-Opting Cultists planning and INSURRECTION…and even more appalling seemingly having the advice and consent of the majority of Republicans in office!
A Mob Boss seems to be a fitting analogy for Trump, a Wanna Be Dictator is quite synonymous with Trump’s intentions, and even, just from observation, fear of some remaining HUGE Bit of Black Mail by Vlad feels like the motivation of MOTIVATIONS for the machinations of Trump. (Aside from the fear, again I am certain, of the TRUTH about HIS COMPLETE LACK OF COMPETENCE AS A BUSINESSMAN, AND BEING KNOWN FAR AND WIDE, PUBLICALLY AS A LOSER! But as bad as that, it is the COWARDNESS, and sheer lack of respect for Democracy BY THE HENCHMEN AND WOMEN who are supposed to hold the Constitution as hallowed and esteemed, when in fact I find them using the pages of that document as toilet paper, to wipe away their SHIT, (You know, the droppings all over this nation and it’s CITIZENRY!)