Remember the old joke: “How many (fill in the derogatory demographic) does it take to screw in a light bulb?” Chuckle, laugh, another chuckle, and a slap on the side of the face… Well, I was pondering, (I haven’t pondered, for quite a while, as it seemed to ponder wasted too much time), but had been witnessing and watching, waiting and wishing for AT LEAST MORE, than a half dozen Republican Congress People to do the right thing, (NOT THE RIGHT-WING THING), and proclaim that We The People, are more of a PRIORITY THAN POLITICS (their personal politics) BUT, alas alack (Not even certain when it was the last time I said or wrote alas alack!)
NOT ONLY, have no other GOP goons on a Federal Level (And even worse on State and Local Levels) reprimanded the Ex-Insurrectionist and Chief (Or as PRESIDENT BIDEN commented that other guy) but, instead, THEY HAVE continued to support, praise, (and in the case of both Little Ms. Lindsey, and Lost a Few Marbles Ron Johnson, and the GOP Party Chief in PA, and the entire Arizona GOP Party Machine paid homage) So as I began this BLOG, and now that COVID is still a thing (Even though it is being approached scientifically and medically…so isolation and quarantine matter) I find time to PONDER…I thought…
“How many Republicans does it take to SCREW AMERICA?”