Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The Letter D

 Debase: reduce (something) in quality or value; degrade.

Degrade: treat or regard (someone) with contempt or disrespect.

Disrespect: lack of respect or courtesy.

Disingenuous: not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.

Disgusting: not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.


For the most part, actually, as I see it, feel it, sense it, view it, almost in its entirety the creatures calling themselves Republican’s should all be given a SCARLET Letter D, to wear on their clothing, identifying them as the DOUCHEBAGS, they had been over the past four years, the DERANGED fools they were since the November 2020 election, the DENIERS they continue to be, and the DAMNED, insurrectionist loving DELUSIONAL-DUMB asses they insist on remaining!


For the most part, actually, as I see it, sense it, view it, the sheer INDULGENCE with the DESPOT, Trump, has, was, and still is a DANGER to our DEMOCRACY something he DELIGHTS in and until this DEMONSTRATION and DEVOTION and ADORATION of the DEMON is DESTROYED. The DEATH of DECENCY will be the DEMISE of our nation. And, for the most part, actually, as I see it, sense it, view it, I DON’T know how to UNDO it!