Sophia Petrillo is a character from the sitcom television series The Golden Girls, her very unique quote: Picture this. Sicily, 1922. The village is in a terrible wine crisis. It's the peak of the wine season. And all our grape stompers are ravaged by an outbreak of athlete's foot. Soon the Chianti has a green hue and tastes like Desenex. They call in Sicily's foremost podiatrist, Bruno Bonofiglio. He's the one who prescribed arch supports for Mussolini. The canned audience laugher regaled and The writers of the Golden Girls along with the actresses scored another funny episode, and life went on.
Picture this. Washington DC, 2021. The Capitol is in a terrible ISURRECTIONIST crisis. It’s the peak of Conspiracy season. All of our Congress People and the Vice President are ravaged by Democracy Stompers or are they Right-Wing Storm Troopers with an outbreak of Anarchy/Domestic Terrorism, and MAGA Fever? The foremost SEDITIONIST, HERR TRUMP, is ravaged with insanity, and sociopathic tendencies leading to Pre-Meditated Murder, and Marauding. No one calls in the FBI, the National Guard, or for that matter anymore Law Enforcement than an out-numbered Capitol Police Corps. The arch supporter Of Herr Trump, Mother Pence’s Big Boy, Mikey ALONG WITH HIS FAMILY, are quickly escorted to a kind of safe place, just inches away from a trove of treasured treasonists, tearing at the foundation of the heartbeat of our nation all tempted by Trump to at least HANG MIKE PENCE! The only laughter came from the Proud Boys/Oath Keepers/KKK/and MAGA MINIONS. (And of course a BIG “I Love You,” from Trump. Like the Golden Girls, this episode, went into reruns, run in’s with the law, and a run for your life.
Sophia Petrillo is a fictional character, snide and sarcastic, Mikey Pence, played a fictional Vice President and even more convincing a fictional HUMAN BEING. Words were written for Sophia Petrillo, words seemed to escape Mikey Pence, as HE, ever since the Day of INURECCTION, he has and had remained MUM, as in MUM is the word, or MY MUM, MOTHER PENCE, told me not to speak! HOWEVER, Mikey Pence always has a lot to say about the lives of the LGBTQ Community, or the Women who want Reproductive Rights regarding their OWN Bodies…HE is a devout dictator regarding those lives…BUT somehow, when the lives of HIS own Political Party (forget those nasty Dems), and the lives of HIS OWN FAMILY are at stake, MIKEY PENCE was silent…oh yeah and IS STILL SILENT! I wonder what Sophia Pertillo might have to say about Mikey Pence. It might start out like this: Picture This. A Puppet a Pawn, a Fool, a Fart, Clown a Castrated…