Dr. Anthony Fauci, the White House chief medical adviser, has previously warned that vaccine hesitancy could create "two types of America," one in which people are vaccinated and one in which they are not. (People Magazine)
Two Types of America! Now who’d have EVER thunk, such a thing like that could exist? I mean not since the Civil War did the novel idea of two types of America permeate or is it percolate, or maybe PUNCTURE is the word I am grasping with…A science-based nation and a science fiction based nation…a medical perspective, a snake oil persuasion…a truth and facts-driven decision-making process, a fact less, detonation process of elimination and limitless productivity…a concise, conscience oriented communication, a concoction of chaos, conspiracy, and confusion…HMMM, to imagine that a group of Red State MAGA Red Hat Proud, Good Nazi’s, Proud Boys and the Women Who Love them, Insurrection Coup Treasonists, Nationalized Christians, Inbred FOX Maniacs and the Paid to Insight Bigotry and Racism FOX Entertainers… ALL set to self-destruct, commit a form of Suicide, act as their OWN GENOCIDE, Grim Reapers…
Please tell me again, SOMEONE, why, IF THE DENIERS OF LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, could give one shit about their life and the lives of their families…why should any of the rest of us, who have carried the dead weight of those who SEEMINGLY JUST WANT TO DIE, ANYWAY?