“Through early morning fog, I see
Visions of the things to be
The pains that are withheld for me
I realize, and I can see
That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please.” Theme Song from TV Series, Mash/Suicide is Painless/Johnny Mandel)
Once again, the news is concentrating on the CONSPIRACY THEORISTS, the MAGA SPITEFUL, the FOX and FIENDS like (Carlson/Graham/Hannity/and Levin DEMANDING DEATH BY COVID IS A PROGRESSIVE PLOT, the IDIOT RELIGIOUS SNAKE OIL SALESPEOPLE, insisting JESUS (The Caucasian one born either in Massachusetts or Utah), is telling ALL of the PAY TO PRAY HACKS, that YOU the GULLIBLE, should only pay attention to their DEMANDS THAT YOU DIE INSTEAD OF BECOMING A COMMUNIST OR SOCIALIST, once vaccinated…WE ALL, must, ONCE AGAIN, be concerned, or is it CONSUMED by the Cavalier, the Contagious, the Callous. The Creeps, the Corrupt of Conscience, the LET GRANDMA or GRANDPA or the INFANT OR THE TODDLER get sick and die, from the germs, YOU THE MORON cough on them because YOU voted for TRUMP, and to get vaccinated is a pox on the Patriotic skin of PUTIN!
Let them die, I say, Yep, let the bigot, the Racist, the Fascist, the Confederacy Won the Civil War, the Good Nazi’s, the Proud Boys, the Christian Nationalists DIE, if, in fact, they have no use for FACTS, preferring fiction and fantasy. I grow weary of having to be concerned for the I PREFER SUICIDE just to SPITE you Democrats or Progressives. Seems I have no more FUCKS to give, if indeed, that have no MORE FUCKS TO give toward their lives, and the elderly, infirmed and baby’s and infants they call their Family. And ARE NOT MOST TO ALL OF THESE SCIENCE DENIERS, the ones who somehow say they are PRO-LIFE when it comes to controlling other people's bodies (LIKE FEMALES) and consider it MURDER to abort the ZYGOTE? Yet if YOU ain’t nobodies ZYGOTE it's cool to murder?