Sunday, July 4, 2021

gloom and doom

 The gloom of the weekend on the Cape, has extended its stay, no reservations made, but like the plot in the 1942 movie, The Man Who Came To Dinner, the gray of the sky above has blended too perfectly with the horizon, almost making the best QAnon Conspiracists happy that in fact the Earth just might BE Flat, and this wet, dismal, dreary, weather system remains a permanent unnerving and nagging guest. No complaints about the rain, as I only wish somehow the climate could change and spread the much-needed downpour to the West. But somehow with the adverse reaction by Mother Nature toward human consumption of too much carbon energy, pillaged from eons gone by, the rain does not seem to trickle down on the lands which are thirsty, but like the Ronnie Reagan campaign to reward the wealthy, this TRICKLE DOWN ECOSYSTEM is similar to RONNIE’S failed TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMY which seemed to never, EVER water the pockets of the poor!


I woke up to a drizzle, having lived in LA for the past decade, the drip-drop harmony of rain hitting our deck, and clashing against the windows was a kind of a once remembered symphony (from my childhood in Pittsburgh), melodic but almost melodramatic at the same time. I forgot how, at times the color GRAY can actually UNSTIMULATE (not certain that IS a word, but it sure is an emotion for me) and INSULATE my mood with a blanket of Negative, making for DISMAL AND DULL seeking priority and purpose! And then as the Beatles once wrote, ‘I Read the News Today…Oh Boy…”


…The post blame game of selfish, and greed regarding the condo collapse…A second Tour of the Insurrectionist and Enemy of the State…Wildfires and secret papers regarding the priority of EXXON to provide its Shareholders with profits, and letting the Earth die…More words than action as we pretend the legal system is NOT rigged, and The Trump Mob Family and Mob Business remain free…Vaccine stupidity still haunts this nation, as the most unintelligent pretend COVID is still a piece of propaganda by Progressives, and somehow the rest of us still encourage them not to commit suicide…Fireworks are debated as if the more glorious and glamorous the display of strontium carbonate (red fireworks), calcium chloride (orange fireworks), sodium nitrate (yellow fireworks), barium chloride (green fireworks), and copper chloride (blue fireworks), the MORE Patriotic we become, even those who stormed the Capitol…SOMEDAYS, just seem like ticking time bombs, caution and careful are necessary and one sudden move might be a cause of a WHAM BAM, NO THANK YOU MA’AM…and today seems like one of them for me!