Wednesday, July 21, 2021


 During the AIDS Epidemic, you know the time when the then movie star, (Ronnie) and his second wife (Nancy), were elected  TWICE, because, they were considered the People’s President, and both, somehow wowed the Evangelical Christian Nationalists, delighted the dandy selfish and self-serving Capitalist Conservatives and said things like: “JUST SAY NO TO DRUGS” (the supposed war on drugs), “MY HEAD SAID ONE THING AND MY HEART ANOTHER” (the Iran/Contra Fiasco), and of course one of the DREADFUL DUO’S best hateful and bigoted occurrences (IGNORING THE HOMOSEXUALS/REFUSING TO SAY THE WORDS HIV-AIDS, and UNABASHADLY DENYING THE DEATH AND DESTRUCTION OF PEOPLE’S LIVES)…way back then the American public witnessed the WICKED WAYS…the CALLOUS CONCENTRATION…and the INTENDED IRRESPONSIBILITY, of politicians placing their Patron Puppet Masters over the Health and Welfare of the PUBLIC.


At least way back then, the women and men of ACT UP decided to no longer remain the victim and permit the death of their friends and family and even strangers, and took the cremated human remains of friends, lovers, and family and scattered them on the lawn of the White House…reminding Ronnie and Nancy and their Parade of Ass Licking Sycophants that just like Lady McBeth, ‘Out damned spot‘  is a line spoken by Lady Macbeth in Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth.


Perhaps we as a nation, (of course only those of us who have been vaccinated) must ACT UP and remind all of the politicians and the talking heads and those who care less about the living and more about their own lives, that they are accountable for the deaths and dying due to their INTENDED FOLLY AND FAILURE to ACT AS HUMANS.