Sunday, November 26, 2023

Each day

 Conservative judges have come for what’s left of the Voting Rights Act

If a recent appellate court decision stands, it will eviscerate the ability of minority voters to vindicate their right to vote. (MSNBC)


Elon Musk's newest defamation lawsuit highlights X's toxicity

Elon Musk isn’t just bad on free speech. He’s also obliterating meaningful speech. (MSNBC)


Trumps attacks on Engoron lead to threats and harassment. He doesn’t seem to care.

A court filing Wednesday offered a sampling of the “hundreds of harassing and threatening” messages directed at the judge and his clerk.(MSNBC)


Republican judges strike down gun law, citing new Supreme Court rule.

The dissent called out the GOP-appointed majority's "hyperaggressive view of the Second Amendment." (MSNBC)


Kyle Rittenhouse’s new book isn’t about the truth. It’s about power.

Propped up by some of the GOP’s most extreme money men, Rittenhouse appears to be preparing for an eventual political debut. (MSNBC)


Bad is surpassing good. Evil is becoming as common as the common cold. Money speaks louder than rhyme or reason. Hate is fomenting into the newest religion. I want you can’t have, I deserve, and you don’t, is a motto many recite. Law and order have been replaced with anarchy and fascism. 


Each day Trump grandstands and gets away with it. Each day Musk continues to be the bully without any consequence. Each day threats and bullying make the headlines. Each day Justices remove the blindfolds from Lady Justice, blinding her with their own personal prejudices.  Each day wealthy men and women, know that their money is more powerful than freedom for others. Each day, the rest of us pretend that someone else will come to the rescue of America, is one day closer to the day, many to most of us will never have a day in the sun!