Tuesday, November 14, 2023

once again, as usual

 House gears up for vote to avoid government shutdown in Johnson's first big test as speaker. The hardline-right House Freedom Caucus released a statement Tuesday morning formally opposing the bill, explaining "it contains no spending reductions, no border security, and not a single meaningful win for the American People." (FOX News)

Groundhog Day Part 184, or maybe this is the newest version of The Exorcist. Year after year, “we the people”, must watch with bated breath as the Politicians supposedly elected to office by “we the people”, play POLITICS regarding our safety, security, and well-being. (The exception of course to this POLITICAL phony outrage of holding all of us hostage, is whenever the sitting President happens to be a Republican…kind of should make you go “What the fuck!”)


For those who support tyranny, treason, insurrection, and the love of Putin, none of this Republican bull shit matters, because sadly the group of domestic terrorists supporting the Republican-elected domestic terrorists, think that any and all government services disrupted will only affect the Progressives, the Libs, the LGBTQ, The Jews, The People of Color and of course just the Democrats. The MAGA fearful somehow think that by screwing the rest of the country they will somehow become more powerful. (This is what happens when you ban books, regard history as a liberal trick, truth as something to debate, and loudly and proudly brag that supporting the entrail politicians of a wanna-be despot, Trump, will actually “make America great again!”


Groundhog Day number 184 will happen on November 17, 2023, if the TRUMP loving, Putin-loving Freedom House Caucus and the myriad of spineless other Republicans decide to continue to follow TRUMP'S Putin-based playbook of domestic terrorism. I am certain, that TRUMP thinks chaos will ensue, ensuring him the best chance scenario to become Dictator once again. Chaos in the US during wartime in Ukraine and the Middle East, threats by China, are just the beginning for Putin and his henchmen to take advantage of American politics. 


One truly SHOULD ASK OUT LOUD, who exactly are the House Republicans, and a way too many Senate Republicans, pledging their ALLIGENCE to… I will shout out loud, IT AIN’T FOR AMERICA OR AMERICANS!