Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Nope, not two sides

 Two sides to a story, as if both sides of a story are equal. Nope, not as I see way too many stories being told. 

Many nations demand a ceasefire in Gaza, but their demands, never seem to first state that along with an Israeli ceasefire, Hamas should immediately release all of its hostages. Once again, Arab terrorists and Arab nations attack Israel. When Israel responds, suddenly the two sides of a story erupt assuming that once Israel is no longer on defense, and becomes on the offense, that Israel is and was the aggressor.


Antisemitism, when it is Pro Palestinians who threaten and harass Jews the Evangelical Christians become outraged and at the ready to attack Muslims. However, when Evangelicals participate in the KKK and white Supremacy Groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, that kind of Antisemitism is considered a form of Patriotism.


Pro-Life Hypocrisy is that, as long as the life is considered a zygote or a fetus and is still inside the womb, then that life is valued and valuable. But once the zygote and eventually fetus become a baby outside of the womb, the Pro-Life zealots suddenly insist that the quality of that life is no longer a priority for them and things such as medical care, education, housing, and nutrition are not their responsibilities or worries. 


And the one-sided story that Children are our priority, except for the same people who INSIST that all lives matter, would rather see the Children who are LGBT not be provided with liberties or freedoms, condemning those Children to bigotry, bias, and hate. All lives matter, except if those loves are LGBT.


Two sides to a story, I call bull shit. Trump commits an Insurrection and attempted Coup, and suddenly the GOP tells us that any investigation into his behavior is a lopsided Justice system. Chaos and confusion, reign within the Republican party of the House, and some of the media blames this on Democrats. The GOP invents the term ANTIA, as in Anti-Fascist, as Un-American, all the while enacting their Fascist policies claiming that only they are true Americans.


I am so tired of pretending that debating these current events is the answer, when, as I see it there are not FACTUALLY two sides to any of these stories.